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Tompkins County Health Department

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New York State Department of Health

Worksite Wellness for Tompkins County: Worksite environments that support good nutrition and regular physical activity.

5 A Day Challenge

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Get Ready for the
5 A Day Challenge

... to make it work for you

Think about a personal goal
One of the best things about the way we do the 5 A Day Challenge is that you're not competing with anyone else (unless you want to.) The challenge is between you and yourself!

Here's why we do it this way: everybody's different and the challenge has to fit. If you're not comfortable, you won't continue. "No pain, no gain" is OUT, and "slow and steady" is IN. For most people, measured, steady progress to a personalized goal is the right way to make long-term lifestyle changes that stick.

To help you set a realistic, personalized goal, it's good to know your baseline.

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Finding your baseline
This is a good way to set your goal and find your fit. Use the 5 A Day scoresheet to track your fruit and vegetable servings for a few days. In the mean time, ask yourself a few questions:

  • what are my 5 favorite vegetables?
  • does the main cook in my life (yourself, your spouse or partner, your child, etc.) know ways to cook vegetables the way I like them?
  • does the main food-shopper in my life know how to shop for fresh vegetables?
  • Is there space to store fresh or frozen vegetables at home?
  • am I more likely to eat vegetables (a) in a stew, (b) on noodles, rice, pasta, or pizza, (c) as a cooked side-dish, (d) raw in a salad, or (e) as a snack?
  • do I even like vegetables?

Ask the same sorts of things about fruit, then decide how easy -- or not easy -- it will be to eat vegetables and fruit more often. Tack this info onto your baseline, and pick a goal.

Nutritionists say that the health benefits are greatest when you eat 5-9 servings a day. They also say that every serving you add from 0 to 5 adds to your better health. So find the personal pace that fits; you'll be a winner for life!

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