Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)


2023-2027 TIP 

Adopted July 19, 2022 

(Effective October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2027)



2023-2027 TIP UPDATES

The TIP is updated throughout the life of the document.

The original 2023-2027 TIP document is linked above; the latest updated TIP will be posted below. 

 2023-2027 TIP, updated as of 9/17/2024



The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is the agreed-upon five-year list of specific projects for which federal funds are anticipated. Required by federal law, the TIP represents the transportation improvement priorities of the Tompkins County Transportation Area. The list of projects is multi-modal and includes highway and public transit projects, as well as bicycle, pedestrian, and freight-related projects.

The TIP also represents the translation of recommendations from the ITCTC Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRP) and UPWP into a short-term program of tangible transportation improvements. All TIP projects are evaluated to assure consistency with the community goals and objectives established in the LRP. The majority of projects in the TIP are aimed at increasing the efficiency and safety of the existing transportation system, rather than construction of new facilities.

In addition, all TIP projects must be in conformance with air quality requirements. Representing the culmination of the transportation planning process, the TIP signifies a consensus among local, state and regional officials as to what improvements to pursue, thereby establishing eligibility for federal funding.

2020-2023 STIP 

The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, otherwise known as the "STIP", is the federally required, four-year, statewide multimodal program or list of transportation projects proposed for federal transportation funding.