Municipal Transportation Snapshots

A summary of transportation data was mapped for each municipality in Tompkins County. The data included in the maps is described below. This information is summarized. More complete data sets are available through the ITCTC:

small gold diamond Community Transportation Snapshots Report, ITCTC,  August 2023


Data included in maps:

· Fatal Crashes: location of fatal vehicular traffic crashes (2018-2022) - from New York State DOT.

 · Bicycle-Pedestrian Crashes resulting in Fatalities: location of traffic crashes (2018-2022) involving bicyclists or pedestrians which resulted in fatalities - from New York State DOT.

· Bicycle-Pedestrian Crashes resulting in Serious Injuries: location of traffic accidents (2018-2022) involving bicyclists or pedestrians resulting in serious injuries - from New York State DOT.

· Heavy Truck Traffic: locations where heavy truck traffic exists (6% or more of the daily traffic was heavy truck). The data is from locations where the New York State Department of Transportation performed traffic classification counts 2012-2022.

 · ‘Least Suitable’ for biking: as rated in the ITCTC 2022 Bicycle Map.

· ‘Most Suitable’ for biking: as rated in the ITCTC 2022 Bicycle Map

· Structurally Deficient Bridges: as rated by the New York State Department of Transportation in 2021.

· Existing Multi-Use Trails: from ITCTC data through September 2023.

· High Crash Severity Roads: the road segments with highest crash severity within a given municipality (2018-2022 data). ‘Crash Severity’ compares total ‘injuries, severe injuries, and fatalities’ to the total number of crashes.

· High Crash Rate Roads: the road segments with the highest crash rate within a given municipality (2018-2022 data). ‘Crash Rate’ compares the total number of crashes to the daily traffic volume.

· High Crash Severity Intersections: the intersections with highest crash severity within a given municipality (2018-2022 data). ‘Crash Severity’ compares total ‘injuries, severe injuries, and fatalities’ to the total number of crashes.

· High Crash Rate Intersections: the intersections with the highest crash rate within a given municipality (2018-2022 data). ‘Crash Rate’ compares the total number of crashes to the daily traffic volume.

 · Complete Streets: the road segments within a given municipality that provide safe multi-modal facilities. Pedestrian mode needs a sidewalk on at least one side of the road. Bicycle mode needs dedicated facilities with at least marked bicycle lanes. Bus mode needs at least one bus per hour during weekdays (8 am through 5 pm). Data from ITCTC through 2022.

· Daily Traffic Volume: the latest Daily Traffic Volume from New York State DOT for roads which have a traffic count in the past 10 years (2012-2022).

· Deer Crash Ratio: percent deer crashes for all roads which had at least 5 deer related crashes 2018-2022 – crashes involving deer/number of total crashes. Data from New York State DOT.

· TCAT Bus Routes: bus routes for (month,date) are displayed in the map. Bus routes vary seasonally. For the latest information visit: .

Last updated: November 2023