Worksite Wellness & health promotion targets nutrition, physical activity and heart health in Ithaca NY

Background information
Heart Check Survey
Ideas for Worksite Wellness
Project progress at the worksites
News and articles of interest

Worksite Wellness for Tompkins County

     Worksite environments that support good nutrition and regular physical activity.

News and articles of interest

Getting Ahead  |  Our Risky Behaviors  |  Other Web Sites

Getting Ahead
  Meet what you eat! A guide to the Nutrition Facts label.
  Promoting Physical Activity: Recommendations from the CDC
  Gardening as a Community Builder

Our Risky Behaviors
  The high cost of obesity
  Overweight and obesity threaten US health gains;
    Surgeon General issues a "Call to Action."
  American adults eat out, a lot
  Quitting smoking harder for women than for men
  Heart Disease Remains Leading Cause of US Deaths
  Health Promotion heads to Capitol Hill
  Rx from nation's "Top Doc"

Other Web Sites
  Beyond fats and vitamins

Our Risky Behaviors

The cost of obesity

A newly released (3/12/02) RAND study shows that health care and Rx costs of obesity are greater than smoking or problem drinking. The health risk status of obesity equals the effects of aging from 30 to 50 years old.  Full story... »»

Obese and overweight population prompt "Call to Action."

The dramatic increase in overweight and obese individuals in the US can no longer be ignored. The problem is serious, and may override health gains won over years of hard work. It is nearing the devastation of cigarettes as a preventable cause of death and disease. Obesity among adults has doubled since 1980, while overweight among adolescents has tripled. In the year 2000, the total direct and indirect costs attributed to overweight and obesity amounted to $117 billion.      Full story... »»

Eating out (more) often?

Most American adults are, an average of 4 times a week, leading to higher consumption of fat and calories, and lower consumption of fruits and vegetables according to Environmental Nutrition (May 2001).    continued... »

Quitting smoking harder for women than for men

A review of numerous research studies focusing on smoking cessation has concluded that while women may suffer greater relative risks of smoking-related diseases than do men, they tend to have less success than men in quitting smoking. Dr. Kenneth A. Perkins from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine who conducted the review offers several reasons for this disparity in a paper published in the May 2001 issue of "CNS Drugs".    complete article »

Heart Disease Remains Leading Cause of US Deaths

Death rates from coronary heart disease began to decline during the 1960s, but the decline has slowed since 1990, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said. "We're still a sedentary society. We still eat foods that are high in calories and high in fat. We still smoke a lot. A lot of Americans have not gotten their high blood pressure under control,"...    complete article »


Other Web Sites

News and other articles of interest
Overweight and obesity increase pose serious threat  |  Heart Disease Remains Leading Cause of US Deaths  | Health Promotion heads to Capitol Hill   |  Rx from nation's "Top Doc"   |  Gardening as a Community Builder