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Worksite Wellness for Tompkins County
Worksite environments that support good nutrition and regular physical activity

Worksite Wellness

Healthy Living

HHW Heart Check

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Tompkins County Health Department

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New York State Department of Health

The Health Promotion Program, Tompkins County (NY) Health Department, developed and maintains this web site. (more...)

Getting Ideas for Activities, Programs or Policies

Starting a worksite wellness program can be overwhelming. A good place to start is by brainstorming for activities or interventions that would be appropriate for your worksite.

You might want to start by looking over the ideas we have posted at this site. This will give you a perspective for generating your own ideas.

Next, write down anything that comes to your mind when brainstorming objectives.

After you have some ideas down, consider their fit to your worksite based on the following criteria:

  1. To what degree does the idea pertain to nutrition or physical activity? (The NYSDOH-HHW project is focusing on nutrition and physical activity.)
  2. Is this an environmental change? (See the page defining new terms for more discussion about environmental change.)
  3. Is the idea practical within your worksite?
  4. Is there employee interest (inquire)?
  5. Is there management interest (inquire)?
  6. Does the idea address a real need at your worksite?
  7. Is the idea results oriented?
  8. What is the level of resources required in the initial effort?
  9. What amount of resources will be needed on an ongoing basis?
  10. To what degree is this idea inclusive of all your employees? (recognizing that 100% inclusiveness is impractical ... for example, more healthy items in the vending machine will exclude the workers who "brown bag" their own healthy items, or for other reasons never use the vending machines.