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Worksite Wellness for Tompkins County: Worksite environments that support good nutrition and regular physical activity.

5 A Day Challenge

Evaluation Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your evaluation of Wellness Committee events is very important.

Please answer this survey even if you did not enter the 5 A Day Challenge this year. It only takes a few minutes and we would like everyone's opinion about this event.

The survey has 10 questions. At the end of the survey, click the "Submit" button to record your answers.

This survey is completely anonymous. There is no way to identify who submits the survey.

Start of Survey

1. Did you enter in the 2002 5 A Day Challenge?

Yes, I entered all 4 weeks
Yes, but I didn't enter every week
I took a scoresheet one or more weeks but did not enter the prize drawing
No, I did not participate at all

2. If you did enter the 2002 5 A Day Challenge, what was your most important reason for entering?

A chance to win a prize
To eat a healthier diet
Because my co-workers were participating
All of the above
None of the above, or other


If you did not enter the 2002 5 A Day Challenge, what was your most important reason for not entering?

Didn't have the time
No need to change what I eat
None of my co-workers were participating
All of the above
None of the above, or other

        other comments

3. Last year's 5 A Day Challenge was played with teams. This year there were no teams. How would you compare having teams with not having teams?

Played both years and liked it better with teams
Played both years and liked it better without teams
Played both years and have no preference
Didn't play this year because there were no teams
Didn't play last year because teams were required
None of the above
No opinion or don't know
Additional comments

 4. What was your opinion of the prizes that were offered?

Good or great
Not worth entering for
No opinion or don't know
Additional comments

5. How often did you refer to the Tompkins County 5 A Day Challenge 2002 web site?

A few times
Once or twice
Not at all
Additional comments

6. In last year's 5 A Day Challenge players had to pre-register. This year, players did not have to pre-register. What is your opinion about these two formats?

Pre-registering is good because I feel more committed to playing in the Challenge
I prefer not pre-registering because I'd rather not commit to playing in the Challenge
No opinion or don't know
None of the above, or other
other comments

7. Last year players got their scoresheet from team captains. This year players got their scoresheets from a self-service, "Take One" display. What is your opinion about getting scoresheets from the self-serve display (this year's format)?

I was very satisfied
I was only somewhat satisfied
I found it unsatisfactory
No opinion or did not play this year
other comments

What other opinions do you have about this year's self-serve display format for scoresheets? (Check all that apply.)

It was convenient
It was confusing
It made it easier to play
It made it more difficult to play
Sometimes I forgot to get a new scoresheet
Sometimes I forgot to turn in my completed scoresheet
Sometimes I got a scoresheet but didn't keep score
I took extra scoresheets to give to friends and family
I didn't know where to get a scoresheet
I didn't understand it so I didn't play
other comments

 8. What positive benefits did the 5 A Day Challenge have for you? (Check all that apply.)

I became better informed about healthy eating
I made some changes to eat more fruits and vegetables
Others in my household or family made some changes to eat more fruits and vegetables
I made a pledge to eat more fruits and vegetables in the future
Co-workers came together to help each other out
Playing provided a welcome distraction to my regular day
none or didn't play
other comments

9. Would you play the 5 A Day Challenge if it were offered again?

No opinion or don't know
other comments

10. Have you told others (family, friends, coworkers) about eating "5 A Day"?

other comments

 Start of Survey

Additional comments or suggestions are welcome! Please use the space below...

Click the "Submit" button to send your evaluation,
or "Reset" to clear the form.

Remember, this is an anonymous survey

NOTE: When you click "Submit" a screen will appear reviewing what you have just sent. Use your browser's "Back" button to return to this page.

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