Mission and Policy Statements
Sample mission
- Establish a worksite mission statement recognizing
employee health and wellness as important to the longterm
success and well being of the organization.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: increased awareness of benefits and
behaviors associated with wellness and a healthy
- EVALUATION: pre- and post-surveying of employees;
suggestion/ comments box
- Discuss content and tone of statement with site
coordinator with input from sampling of managers
and employees interested in participating
- Review and determine posting location options
- Review and develop posting design ideas
- Communicate to staff the purpose of the statement
and desired outcomes
- Write draft statement
- Post and collect comments
- Review comments and survey attitudes and awareness
Top of
- Develop manager’s statement of support for employee
health and healthy living
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: Increased sense of management support
for personal well being of associates and (transferred
to) customers; increased attention and boost to
other wellness programs being initiated.
- EVALUATION: Responses to comment box located
adjacent to main posting of statement
- Discuss content and tone of statement with site
coordinator with input from sampling of managers
and employees interested in participating
- Review and determine posting location options
- Review and develop posting design ideas
- Communicate to staff the purpose of the statement
and desired outcomes
- Write draft statement
- Post and collect comments
- Review comments and survey attitudes and awareness
Top of
Wellness Committees
- Form a Wellness Committee to develop and promote
employee wellness initiatives
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: put employee health and wellness issues
at parity with other worksite issues in the organizational
- EVALUATION: meetings schedule, agenda items,
meeting minutes, initiatives, employee-wide pre-
& post survey
- Identify and enlist team members representing
a cross section of the organization.
- Agree to regular meeting schedule.
- Adopt committee mission statement and bylaws
according to the organization’s established protocol.
- Develop communication channels to employees
and management. (e.g., meeting minutes, annual
report to management, bulletin board or postings,
email announcements, suggestion boxes, etc.).
Agree to frequency and scope of communications.
Plan means of tracking committee acceptance and
- Plan worksite-wide announcement of committee’s
mission and communications channels.
- Implement plans and tracking.
Top of
- Form a Wellness Team to develop and promote employee
wellness initiatives
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: give employee health and wellness issues
parity with worksite safety in the organizational
- EVALUATION: meetings schedule, agenda items,
meeting minutes, initiatives, employee-wide pre-
& post survey
- Identify and enlist team members representing
a cross section of the organization.
- Follow designated protocol for adopting team
- Agree to hold regularly scheduled monthly or
quarterly meetings
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- Add wellness and health promotion issues and initiatives
to the duties and by-laws of the worksite Safety Committee
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: give employee health and wellness issues
parity with worksite safety in the organizational
- EVALUATION: agenda items, initiatives, employee-wide
pre- & post survey
- Draft guidelines assigning wellness and health
promotion to regular duties of Safety Committee.
- Follow designated committee protocol for adopting
Top of
- Add wellness and health promotion issues and initiatives
to the duties and by-laws of the Employee Recognition
Committee (ERC).
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: establish employee health and wellness
as an important part of employee satisfaction
and well-being, and worthy of special recognition
at the worksite.
- EVALUATION: agenda items, initiatives, employee-wide
pre and post survey of awareness of wellness issues.
- Draft guidelines assigning wellness and health
promotion to regular duties of the ERC.
- Follow designated committee protocol for adopting
- Establish tracking process as outlined in evaluation,
- Plan means (media) and schedule for promotion
and reporting to employees
- Execute and evaluate.
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Physical Activity
- Establish a physical activity program at the worksite
based on personal goal setting. Offer at least 2 on-site
PA options* per 6-week cycle. Achieve participation
through 2 6-wk cycles by at least 15% of employees.
(* e.g., take the stairs, mark
out walking routes, programmed group activity such
as tae boe or stretching, etc.)
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: Bring physical activity into everyday
(work) life; increase awareness of activity options
- EVALUATION: participant logs by honor system
- Survey employees on program and participation
- If survey positive, Wellness Team develops guidelines
on goal setting, eligible activities, & incentives.
- Draft program plan; submit to employees for
written and verbal feedback.
- Revise plan based on #2 outcomes. Design/ prepare
display and other materials for administering
- Plan campaign for introduction, kickoff and
maintenance of program
- Run program
- Review participation, award incentives, survey
for interest and feedback
Top of
- Establish a physical activity program at the worksite
based on personal goal setting. Create 2 on-site PA
options. Achieve participation through 2 6-wk cycles
by at least 15% of employees.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: Bring physical activity into everyday
(work) life; increase awareness of activity options
- EVALUATION: participant logs by honor system
- Survey employees on program and participation
- If survey positive, seek feedback on goal setting,
activities, incentives.
- Draft program plan; submit to employees for
written and verbal feedback.
- Revise plan based on #2 outcomes. Design/ prepare
display and other materials for administering
- Plan campaign for introduction, kickoff and
maintenance of program
- Run program
- Review participation, award incentives, survey
for interest and feedback
Top of
- Establish a physical activity program at the worksite
based on "Imagine Action" model of personal
goal setting. Create 2 on-site PA options. Achieve
participation through 2 6-wk cycles by at least 10%
of employees.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: Bring physical activity into everyday
(work) life; increase awareness of activity options
- EVALUATION: participant logs by honor system
- Poll employees / wellness group on program and
participation interest.
- If survey positive, seek feedback on goal setting,
activities, incentives.
- Adapt “Imagine Action” program to worksite;
submit to employees for written and/or verbal
- Revise plan based on #2 outcomes. Design/ prepare
display and other materials for administering
program. Determine suitable area for displaying
materials over the long-term.
- Plan campaign for introduction, kickoff and
maintenance of program
- Run program
- Review participation, award incentives, survey
for interest and feedback
Top of
- Walking Program: Establish 2 walking paths through
the neighborhood immediately surrounding the worksite.
Achieve weekly participation by at least 15% of employees.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: give employees walking routes where
they feel safe and comfortable enough to make
walking a regular workweek activity.
- EVALUATION: maintain individual walking logs.
- Survey employees to determine interest in activity.
If accepted, as determined by project coordinators,
proceed to #2.
- Map and measure proposed routes. Review and
finalize. Poll general workforce as necessary.
- Determine best means of tracking use, incentive
features, route maintenance.
- Prepare information packages.
- Plan kick-off and roll-out of program.
- Implement program
- Evaluate outcome and adjust program to encourage
growing/ ongoing use
Top of
- Walking program: Develop an on-site walking program
which achieves weekly participation by at least 15%
of the workforce.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: offer employees walking routes where
they feel safe and comfortable enough to make
walking a regular workweek activity.
- EVALUATION: maintain individual walking logs.
- Discuss pgm w Safety Committee. Review benefits
of regular walking. Consider means of polling
employees regarding interest and ways to maximize
potential use of program. Conduct poll and review
- Map and measure proposed routes. Review and
finalize by Wellness Committee. Poll general workforce
as necessary.
- Determine best means of tracking use, incentive
features, route maintenance.
- Plan kick-off and roll-out of program
- Run program
- Evaluate outcome and adjust program to encourage
growing/ ongoing use
Top of
- Establish 2 walking paths: on company property outside,
and through building inside. Achieve weekly participation
by at least 20% of employees.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: give employees walking routes where
they feel safe and comfortable enough to make
walking a regular workweek activity.
- EVALUATION: maintain individual walking logs.
- Survey employees to determine interest in activity.
If accepted, as determined by Wellness Committee,
proceed to #2.
- Map and measure proposed interior routes. Review
and finalize by Wellness Committee. Poll general
workforce as necessary.
- Map and measure proposed outdoor routes. Review
and finalize by Wellness Committee. Poll general
workforce as necessary.
- Determine best means of tracking use, incentive
features, route maintenance.
- Plan kick-off and roll-out of program
- Run program
- Evaluate outcome and adjust program to encourage
growing/ ongoing use
Top of
- Stretching: Establish a voluntary stretching program,
which achieves weekly participation by 10% of store
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: recognize simple stretching as a good
choice during regular work breaks for relaxing
and regaining
- EVALUATION: voluntary sign-up and tracking shows
weekly activity by 15% of current staff
- Meet with employee reps to discuss concept,
reviewing the benefits of regular stretching and
location of designated area in break room. With
acceptance, proceed to #2.
- Poll all employees regarding interest in and
anticipated use of instructional and activity
area for stretching. With acceptance, proceed
to #3.
- Locate/ designate appropriate area of break
(or other) room for display of stretching diagrams
and employee tracking chart, + floor mat area
- Determine appropriate stretches and activities
for this workforce and locate proper diagrams
and instructional material for display area.
- Develop or adapt tracking and incentive program.
Plan introduction and rollout event.
- Implement tracking/ incentive program
- Tabulate results and conduct follow-up survey
Top of
- Stretching program: Establish a voluntary stretching
program, which achieves weekly participation by 15%
of employees
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: recognize simple stretching as a good
choice during regular work breaks for relaxing,
relieving sedentary or repetitive motion symptoms,
and regaining energy
- EVALUATION: voluntary sign-up and tracking shows
weekly activity by 15% of current staff
- Discuss pgm w Safety Committee. Review benefits
of regular stretching. Consider means of polling
employees regarding interest and ways to maximize
potential use of program. Conduct poll and review
- Using info from #1, draft program guidelines,
including tracking, incentives, presentation,
impact on current work routines and schedules.
- Locate/ designate appropriate area(s) at worksite
for program implementation (e.g., presentation,
tracking, etc.)
- Determine appropriate stretches and activities
for applicable workforce (may vary by location
if implemented at multiple locations); develop
presentation materials, schedule, etc (e.g., proper
diagrams and instructional material for display.)
Develop or adapt tracking and incentive program.
- Plan introduction and rollout event.
- Implement tracking/ incentive program
- Tabulate results and conduct follow-up survey
Top of
- Stretching class: Conduct a stretching class which
achieves weekly participation by at least 15% of the
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: develop ongoing interest in group physical
activity programs at the worksite to build peer
support and encouragement for wellness.
- EVALUATION: attendance logs tracking session
totals and individuals’ repeat attendance
- Create a written description of the program
- Promote the stretch class for all employees
- Plan and schedule the stretch class, initially
for 1 day per week.
- Evaluate usage, attendance, and frequency, and
modify program accordingly.
- Survey staf for input.
- Evaluate.
Top of
- 2-minute stretch: Establish a daily, 2-minute stretch
break site-wide, which achieves weekly participation
by at least 25% of the workforce.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: learn the benefits of short stretch
breaks and integrate them into the workday routine.
- EVALUATION: Honor system self reporting of participation
in daily mini-stretch.
- Present idea of a mini-stretch break to staff
and managers and guage reaction. If favorable,
proceed to #2.
- Outline goals, process, schedule, intended participants.
Also: leader, source of stretches to be used (assuring
safety and efficacy), emergency procedures.
- Plan incentive program and tracking, if applicable.
- Plan promotional campaign to build awareness
and interest in the program, including possible
kick-off event.
- Roll out promotion.
- Hold kick-off and implement program.
- Evaluate program.
Top of
Sample policy
statements encouraging healthy foods at worksite
meetings and vending.
- Meeting food: Establish healthy foods as a standard
at company meetings and other events where food is
available. Healthy options will be available at all
management-initiated events, and half of employee-initiated
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: availability and consumption of healthy
foods will be expected and accepted.
- EVALUATION: request and track “menu” for all
meetings and open social functions
- Observe acceptance of alternative choices by
unannounced trial (Wellness Committee members)
to determine viability of program. Proceed accordingly.
- Review by WellComm of situations where food
is traditionally served or made available.
- Develop list of alternative food ideas as resource
for staff and managers. Determine if/ what incentive
and/ or tracking systems are appropriate.
- Draft policy statement
establishing WellComm’s position on availability
of nutritious alternatives when food is served
on-site. Consider kick-off event.
- Distribute/ post program guidelines and announce
kick-off event if planned.
- Evaluate program per step #3.
Top of
- Establish healthy foods as a standard at
company meetings and other events where food is available.
Healthy options will be available at all management-initiated
events, and half of employee-initiated events.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: availability and consumption of healthy
foods will be expected and accepted.
- EVALUATION: request and track “menu” for all
meetings and open social functions
- Observe acceptance of alternative choices by
unannounced trial (Wellness Committee members)
to determine viability of program. Proceed accordingly.
- Review by WellComm of situations where food
is traditionally served or made available.
- Develop list of alternative food ideas as resource
for staff and managers. Determine if/ what incentive
and/ or tracking systems are appropriate.
- Draft policy statement establishing WellComm’s
position on availability of nutritious alternatives
when food is served on-site. Consider kick-off
- Distribute/ post program guidelines and announce
kick-off event if planned.
- Evaluate program per step #3.
Top of
- Fruit bowl: Establish a fruit bowl at locations
where food or beverage is commonly available (e.g.,
coffee station) assuring that fruit is available at
least 3 days a week.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: Ongoing demand for fruit or other fresh
produce assures a steady supply is available.
- EVALUATION: Designated observer logs availability/
restocking/ purchase/ waste.
- Observe acceptance of alternative choices by
unannounced trial to determine viability of program.
Proceed accordingly.
- Review by SafetyComm of areas where food is
traditionally served or made available.
- Develop list of applicable food ideas w sources
and typical costs. Develop program for staffing,
stocking, tracking consumption/ waste, and paying
for food.
- Draft policy statement establishing Safety Comm’s
position on availability of nutritious alternatives
when food is brought to common areas on-site.
Consider kick-off event.
- Distribute/ post program guidelines and announce
kick-off event if planned. Implement.
- Evaluate program.
Top of
- Fruit & vegetable snacks: Offer free fruit
and vegetables snacks at locations where food or beverage
is commonly available (e.g., coffee station), assuring
availability at least 3 days a week. Plan bi-weekly
“salad day”.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: Ongoing demands for fruit or other
fresh produce assures a steady supply is available.
- EVALUATION: Designated observer will log availability/
restocking/ purchase/ waste.
- Observe acceptance of alternative choices by
unannounced trial to determine viability of program.
Proceed accordingly.
- Review by Wellness Team of areas where food
is traditionally served or made available.
- Develop list of applicable food ideas w sources
and typical costs. Develop program for staffing,
stocking, tracking consumption/ waste, and paying
for food.
- Draft policy statement establishing Wellness
Team’s position on availability of nutritious
alternatives when food is brought to common areas
on-site. Consider kick-off event.
- Distribute/ post program guidelines and announce
kick-off event if planned. Implement.
- Evaluate program.
Top of
- Establish a healthy snacks program. Create an employee-generated
list of at least 3 nutritious alternatives to 10 popular
snack foods using nutrition label and food pyramid.
Start and maintain a “cupboard” of healthy snacks.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: Broad interest and ongoing participation
by staff
- EVALUATION: Maintain weekly log of alternative
entries and inventory of “healthy cupboard”.
- Introduce idea to ERC or other employee committee,
with supporting info about heart healthy behaviors
and snacks. With acceptance, proceed to #2.
- Committee members conduct informal poll of employees
regarding interest. With acceptance, proceed to
- Determine incentive process to track interest
and participation.
- Determine/ design display elements (e.g., sample
nutrition label, chart for alternatives). Determine
location of displays and “healthy cupboard”.
- Plan kick-off event, program promotion and rollout.
- Run program
- Evaluate program
Top of
- Provide nutritious snacks throughout the agency.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: Establish a level of employee demand
for nutritious alternatives which assures their
ongoing availability at the worksite.
- EVALUATION: Food & Beverage manager’s logs of
purchase, sales and waste
- Develop list of applicable food ideas w sources
and typical costs. Develop program for staffing,
stocking, tracking consumption/ waste, and paying
for food.
- Draft policy statement establishing F&B manager’s
position on availability of nutritious alternatives
in cafeteria, vending, and at meetings on-site.
Consider kick-off event.
- Distribute/ post F&B guidelines and announce
kick-off event if planned. Notify staff of availability
of nutritious alternatives.
- Implement.
- Evaluate program.
Top of
Educational Programs
- Nutrition label: Establish a nutrition education
program using nutrition label and food pyramid. Build
employee-generated list of more nutritious alternatives
to 10 popular snack foods and quick meals.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: Broad interest and ongoing participation
by staff
- EVALUATION: Logging alternative suggestions
and individual participation maintains weekly
activity. List at least 3 alternatives per entry.
- Discuss with employee reps: review benefits
of understanding food labeling, location of display,
employee participation. With acceptance, proceed
to #2.
- Poll all employees regarding interest. With
acceptance, proceed to #3
- Determine incentive process to track interest
and participation.
- Determine/ design display elements (e.g., sample
nutrition label, chart for pop-foods & alternatives).
- Plan kick-off and rollout.
- Run program
- Evaluate program
Top of
- Information center: Establish on-site health information
centers to display posters, brochures, and other educational
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: build awareness of lifestyle, health
and wellness issues with an interest in influencing
behavioral change.
- EVALUATION: intermediate surveying, comments
box, and informal polling by members of the Wellness
Committee. Post-survey covering all HHW objectives
should link info center activity to participation
and progress of other objectives.
- Establish scope of info center(s) RE depth of
materials, rotation of materials, administrative
requirements related to rotation, selection, researching,
accuracy, timeliness, balance
- Research sources for materials. Form guidelines
for categories, topics, assuring reliability/
accuracy of source materials. Review #1 if necessary.
- Determine physical placement of center(s) and
types of display to be used (brochure racks, lending
library, bulletin boards, interactive displays).
Design area.
- Order and set up displays. Order and stock printed
materials, etc.
- Plan awareness and kick-off campaign to drive
center usage. Develop schedule for polling usage.
- Evaluate usage and interest levels.
Top of
- Establish on-site health information centers to
display posters, brochures, and other health and wellness
educational information.
- Objective Outcome
- DESIRED: build awareness of lifestyle, health
and wellness issues with an interest in influencing
behavioral change.
- EVALUATION: intermediate surveying, comment
box, and informal polling by members of the Wellness
Team. Post-survey covering all Worksite Wellness
Project objectives. Ideally should link activity
at the information center to evaluation of other
- Establish scope of info center(s): depth of
materials, rotation of materials, administrative
requirements related to rotation, selection, researching,
accuracy, timeliness, balance of different topics.
- Research sources for materials. Form guidelines
for categories, topics, assuring reliability/
accuracy of source materials. Review #1 if necessary.
- Determine physical placement of bulletin board(s)
and types of display to be used (brochures, posters,
detailed articles, take-home pieces). Secure necessary
approval for permanent fixtures. Design area.
- Set up displays. Locate and stock printed materials,
- Plan awareness and kick-off campaign to drive
center usage. Develop schedule for polling usage.
- Evaluate usage and interest levels.
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