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Worksite Wellness for Tompkins County
Worksite environments that support good nutrition and regular physical activity

Worksite Wellness

Healthy Living

HHW Heart Check

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Tompkins County Health Department

Tompkins County Home Page

New York State Department of Health

The Health Promotion Program, Tompkins County (NY) Health Department, developed and maintains this web site. (more...)

Cultural Foundations

Worksite environment and organizational culture are the foundations of social behavior at work. Create an environment and organizational culture where realistic behavioral change can happen at an individual's own pace.

  1. increase choice
    (Make fresh fruit available)
  2. encourage people to consider new choices
    ("I find a piece of fruit makes a very satisfying snack")
  3. support people when they do make new choices, especially when that choice diverges from the mainstream
    ("It's great to see that you're snacking on fruit! I'll bring in a bunch of bananas that we can both enjoy.")