2020 News Archives

The Tompkins County Health Department must locate a dog that bit a person on South Hill Recreation Trail in the Town of Ithaca. The bite occurred Thursday, February 13, 2020 between 4:30 and 5:00 PM. The dog is described as a German Shepherd or shepherd mix, with the yellow body and black markings…
The Tompkins County Department of Planning and Sustainability (TCDPS) and the Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) announced a corridor study of New York State Route 13 in Tompkins County. The 9-mile stretch of the corridor under consideration runs from Warren Road (Village of…
The Tompkins County Workforce Development Board and Tompkins County announced that Natalie Branosky has been appointed to lead the community’s workforce development efforts as well as serve as Director of the Workforce Development Board. Branosky’s appointment was confirmed by the County…
On Sunday, February 9, the results for the second Cornell University student tested for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) were negative. The individual is no longer a person under investigation (PUI) and was released from isolation. The Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) continues to…
County Clerk Maureen Reynolds today (Friday) announced the appointment of Legislator Shawna Black (D) as Chair of the Tompkins County Legislature. As stipulated in the Tompkins County Charter, the Clerk is charged with appointing the Legislature Chair after a 30-day vacancy. The position became…
On Sunday, February 2, an individual in Tompkins County met the person under investigation (PUI) criteria for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. The Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) submitted samples for testing to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Since being evaluated,…
For the third straight meeting, Tompkins County Legislators were unable to reach a consensus on who should lead the body in 2020. Neither Legislator Mike Lane of Dryden nor Anna Kelles of Ithaca, both Democrats, were able to secure the eight votes necessary to become Chair (Legislator Leslyn McBean…
The Tompkins County Legislature voted 9-4 (with Legislators Glenn Morey, Amanda Champion, Henry Granison and Dan Klein voting no; Legislator Leslyn McBean-Clairborne was excused) to establish a conceptual fiscal commitment for the Proposed Downtown Ithaca Conference Center Project. Prior to the…
The Health Department has evaluated an individual who meets the person under investigation (PUI) criteria for the 2019 novel coronavirus. The individual is currently being isolated and monitored, samples were sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for testing, and a…
Tompkins County is in need of hundreds of people to work on the 2020 Census. These are temporary, part-time or full-time, positions that pay $20 an hour. Census takers are necessary to help collect data that will determine New York State’s representation in Congress, as well as well as how funds…