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COVID-19 疫苗接種常見問題解答


Information about the new COVID-19 vaccines

Updated COVID-19 vaccines were approved by the FDA on September 11, 2023 and recommended by the CDC on September 12, 2023. The CDC recommends the updated vaccine for everyone ages 6-months and older who are two-months past their last vaccine. Information about the new vaccine will be updated here as detailed guidance becomes available from the NYS Department of Health.

 CDC recommends the 2023–2024 updated COVID-19 vaccines.

  • Everyone aged 5 years and older should get 1 dose of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to protect against serious illness from COVID-19.
  • People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised may get additional doses of updated COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Children aged 6 months–4 years need multiple doses of COVID-19 vaccines to be up to date, including at least 1 dose of updated COVID-19 vaccine.
  • People ages 65 years and older should receive 1 additional dose of any updated (2023–2024 Formula) COVID-19 vaccine (i.e., Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer-BioNTech) at least 4 months following their previous dose of updated COVID-19 vaccine.

Where to get vaccinated.

COVID-19 vaccine recommendations will be updated as needed. Visit the CDC, Stay Up to Date with COVID-19 Vaccines, for much more information. 

This section reviewed 3/7/2024.

Are COVID-19 vaccines safe?

安全。COVID-19 疫苗與其他疫苗無異,均已通過美國嚴格審查,且紐約州更成立 COVID-19 獨立臨床諮詢小組,批准 COVID-19 疫苗的安全性與有效性。FDA 和 CDC 會持續監測疫苗的新興副作用。


有用。根據臨床試驗、實際經驗與觀察,美國目前流通的疫苗均有保護作用,降低民眾感染 COVID-19 後重症、住院和死亡機率。沒有疫苗能夠 100% 有效,完全接種的民眾仍有可能染疫。但有關「突破性感染」的相關資料指出,這些病患的症狀通常較為溫和。疫苗還可抑制 COVID-19 傳播,從而保護他人。

疫苗會讓我感染 COVID-19 嗎?

不會,美國授權或審查的疫苗均非使用活體病毒製成,不會造成您感染 COVID-19。


Where to get vaccinated
(Local Sites)

Whole Health Pop-Up Clinics



Appointment availability, vaccine brand, dose, and eligibility vary by pharmacy and are subject to change without notice. As such, it is important to check the pharmacy website before you go or make plans. Call your pharmacy to ask if they accept walk-ins, or just ask when you are shopping there.

Individuals under age 18 must have a signed consent form and be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

This section reviewed 2/29/2024.  

Kinney Drugs
  • Click here for Kinney's main COVID page
  • 5-17 歲應出示已填妥的同意書
  • Phone numbers: Cayuga St., Ithaca, (607) 272-8333; Triphammer Rd., Lansing, (607) 330-5692; North St., Dryden, (607) 844-8273

Tops Friendly Markets

CVS 和 Target

Rite Aid


  • 免疫接種頁(可能需要登入才能預約)
  • 伊薩卡分店電話:135 Fairgrounds Memorial Pkwy., (607) 277-8126

Wegmans Pharmacy

如對上述任何藥局的診所有任何問題,請透過藥局網站聯絡,TCHD 恕無法提供藥局診所的資訊



All NYS vaccination sites are permanently closed as of 6/30/2022. NYS links to


  • 兒科診所輝瑞兒童疫苗可供 6 個月以上的兒童施打,詳情請洽個別診所。
  • REACH Medical, 607-273-7000
  • 部份家醫科和醫療照護機構均提供 COVID-19 疫苗,詳情請洽您常去的醫療院所。

湯普金斯郡衛生部最新消息:社區 COVID-19 疫情與疫苗分配狀況

如果您對資格或註冊有任何疑問,請致電 2-1-1(877-211-8667)


年齡滿 6 個月者現在應接種流感疫苗預防流行性感冒,請立即洽詢當地藥局或醫師。詳情請見本頁


About Getting vaccinated


Now. Everyone age 6 months and over is eligible to be vaccinated.


According to the CDC, you are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines only when you have received all doses in the primary series and all boosters and updates that are recommended for you and you are eligible to receive. Learn more about COVID-19 vaccinations schedules here.

接種疫苗就不會感染 COVID-19 嗎?


接種疫苗會造成我之後的 COVID-19 病毒檢測呈陽性嗎?



是。如果您接觸到患有 COVID-19 的人,您應該對其他人採取預防措施,直到您確定自己沒有被感染(接觸後大約 5 天)。如果您感染了 COVID-19 ,即使您已接種最新疫苗,也應該與他人隔離。

得過 COVID-19 還應接種疫苗嗎?


接種 COVID-19 疫苗可以同時施打流感疫苗嗎?

Yes. There is no required interval of time between receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and any other vaccine, such as the flu shot (you may want to consider getting one in each arm rather than both in the same arm). The Health Department recommends that everyone age 6 months and older get a flu shot every year. Most local pharmacies provide flu vaccines, or contact your primary care provider. Find more info about seasonal influenza here.



New York State Department of Health

