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2019 News Archives

The Tompkins County Health Department must locate a dog that bit a person in the Fall Creek neighborhood, near the intersection of North Aurora St. and Cascadilla Ave. The bite occurred on the evening of Tuesday, May 7th. The dog is described as a large, mixed breed dog with short legs and medium-…
Tompkins County is excited to host members of the New York Giants football team this afternoon for a tour of the Tompkins County Jail and a discussion about the alternatives to incarceration programs the County is using to reduce its jail population.  “We anticipate two of the Giants defensive…
Representative Tom Reed provided unwavering advocacy for the nearly $10M FAA grant just awarded Ithaca Tompkins Airport for Phase 2 of the Airport's revitatlization project.  Below is Rep. Reed's announcement, issued late yesterday, May 9th, which is republished here.  ITH and Tompkins County…
Award of this grant from the Federal Aviation Administration, to provide critical support for Phase 2 of the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport Terminal project was announced today.  Below is text of a news release from Senator Chuck Schumer, republished here. U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today…
Legislature Chair Martha Robertson announced the appointment of two new Special Committees of the Legislature for 2019. Legislator Michael Lane will chair the Legislature’s Complete Count Committee for the 2020 Census, which will lead the County’s community-wide effort to reach out and help ensure…
The Legislature went on record in support of proposed New York State legislation, now before the Senate and Assembly, which would prohibit the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits by retail pet shops, and authorizing space for adoption. The vote was unanimous, with Legislator Shawna Black excused.  The…
In two resolutions approved tonight, the Tompkins County Legislature approved a 2020 tax levy goal and spending targets for 2020.  The tax levy resolution directs County Administrator Jason Molino to prepare a recommended operating and capital budget that can be supported with a tax levy increase…
The Legislature, without dissent (Legislator Shawna Black was excused), authorized two Supplemental Agreements with C&S Companies, of Syracuse, related to the Airport expansion project , both funded as part of the NYS DOT Upstate Airport Initiative grant:  a total of $2,280,000 for design and…
National Infant Immunization Week is a reminder that children need vaccines right from the start. Immunization gives parents the safe, proven power to protect their children from 14 serious and potentially deadly diseases before they turn 2 years old. To recognize the importance of immunizations…
Tompkins County Administrator Jason Molino has convened the County’s 2020 Shared Services Panel, the first step in the process to create Tompkins County’s 2020 Shared Services Plan, as required by New York State.  The Panel met for the first time April 25th. In 2017, New York State introduced its…