
National Infant Immunization Week April 27 - May 4, 2019

National Infant Immunization Week is a reminder that children need vaccines right from the start. Immunization gives parents the safe, proven power to protect their children from 14 serious and potentially deadly diseases before they turn 2 years old.

To recognize the importance of immunizations from the start and throughout our lives, the Tompkins County Health Department and the Immunization Coalition of Tompkins County are joining with partners nationwide in recognizing April 27th-May 4th as National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW). This year marks the 25th anniversary of NIIW.  Since 1994, hundreds of communities across the United States have joined to celebrate the critical role vaccination plays in protecting our children, communities, and public health.

Today’s childhood vaccines protect against serious and potentially life-threatening diseases, including polio, measles, whooping cough, and chickenpox. “Infants are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases,” says Melissa Gatch BSN, RN at Tompkins County Health Department. “Every dose of every vaccine is important to protect your child and others in the community. Talk to your doctor or other healthcare professional to make sure your child is up to date on all the vaccines he or she needs.”

When children are not vaccinated, they are at increased risk and can spread diseases to others in their family and community, including babies who are too young to be fully vaccinated. Gatch notes that immunization is a shared responsibility. She says, “Families, health care providers and public health professionals must work together to help protect the entire community.”

Tompkins County Health Department offers immunization clinics every Friday.  Clinics are open from 9am to 4pm by appointment. Parents can find out more about the recommended immunization schedule at www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents  Visit the Health Department online at http://tompkinscountyny.gov/health/dch/immunizations or call  607-274-6604.

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