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INFLUENZA, or the flu, can cause mild to severe illness, with symptoms commonly including fever or feeling feverish or having chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue (tiredness), and vomiting and diarrhea. Flu viruses are highly contagious, spread from person to person mainly by tiny droplets from coughing, sneezing, or talking.

2023-2024 Flu Season

NYS produces a weekly report during the influenza season (October through the following May). The update for the week ending May 18, 2024 was the final update provided by the NYS Department of Health for the 2023-2024 flu season. The NYS Influenza Surveillance Report for May 18 can be found here (PDF). Follow this link for the NYSDOH Influenza Activity, Surveillance and Reports web page.

Immunization and vaccination information.

Vaccination is the best protection against getting the flu — it protects not only you but also limits the spread of flu to your loved ones and others. The flu can make even healthy people very sick and cause serious complications in children younger than 5, pregnant women, people 65 years and older, and people with certain chronic health conditions.

Flu vaccines are now available at many locations throughout our community, including healthcare provider offices, pharmacies, and clinics.

Links to flu shot or vaccination pages for local pharmacies.
(Subject to change. Links last verified 5/6/24.)

Immunization clinics at TCWH

We serve community members with no insurance, or with Medicaid or a Medicaid managed care plan. TCWH also schedules mobile flu clinics and in-home visits for homebound residents. Visit our immunizations page for details.


Flu Facts

Learn your Flu Facts.
Dr. Cynthia Leifer, Cornell Professor of Immunology, gives you the facts about the flu.





每個年齡在 6 月以上的人都應該接種疫苗。請致電您的醫生或藥房,了解在哪裡可以注射流感疫苗。或者,您可以在上方的流感疫苗查找器中輸入您的郵遞區號。 接種疫苗後,您不僅可以降低自己患流感的風險,也可以降低身邊的人 面臨的風險。這是因為即使您沒有症狀——您沒有生病——您仍然可能攜帶會感染他人的病毒。






經常用肥皂和水洗手,洗手時間不得少於 20 秒(大約是唱兩遍「生日快樂」歌的時間)。教孩子這樣做,同時自己以身作則。







CDC 提供的「感冒還是流感」圖片有關季節性流感的其他資源

