Planning - Advisory Boards

Advisory Boards

Care about our community? Get involved! As a resident of Tompkins County, you shape the community in which you live. You can do even more by serving on a County government advisory board. The Tompkins County Department of Planning and Sustainability provides staff support to several boards that advise the Tompkins County Legislature on various planning-related topics. General information on County advisory boards, as well as applications to serve, may be found on this Legislature webpage.

Climate and Sustainable Energy Advisory Board (CaSE Board)

The Climate and Sustainable Energy Advisory Board is charged with providing expert input to the Legislature on regulatory initiatives and successful community programs relating to energy and climate change, as well as emerging energy efficiency, renewables, and climate adaptation technologies. 

Environmental Management Council

The Environmental Management Council (EMC) reviews development projects, researches environmental issues, conducts educational programs, and provides specific and detailed information to the public about the natural resources of Tompkins County.

Planning Advisory Board
The Planning Advisory Board (PAB) provides the Tompkins County Legislature and the Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability with advice and counsel on comprehensive land-use planning and matters relating to regional, County, and municipal planning.

Water Resources Council

The Water Resources Council (WRC) advises the County Legislature on matters related to water resources management and planning and is charged with identifying problems, proposing priorities, and promoting the coordination of activities in the management and protection of the County’s water resources.


Past Advisory Boards and Task Forces

Energy Task Force 

The Energy Task Force (ETF) provided input and guidance to the County Department of Planning and Sustainability and to the Legislature on the topics of energy, climate change, and energy-related economic development. The ETF also advised other community groups on those topics, as requested. It finished its work at the end of 2019. Meeting minutes, agendas, and other documents are available upon request.