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Food Service Safety

Turkey Safety Tips

The Tompkins County Health Department recommends that you protect yourself, your family and your friends by following these 10 safe turkey tips.

Separate Foods - Don’t Cross-Contaminate

  • When you shop, keep the turkey away from ready to eat foods in your shopping cart.
  • Place the turkey below all ready to eat foods in your refrigerator to prevent other foods from becoming contaminated with juices from the raw turkey.
  • Use separate cutting boards for cooked foods and raw foods.
  • Never put the cooked turkey on the unwashed plate that previously held the uncooked turkey.

CLEAN your hands and food surfaces often.

  • Wash your hands with hot soapy water before you touch the turkey and after you use the bathroom, cough, sneeze or otherwise contaminate your hands.
  • Wash all cutting boards, dishes, kitchen tools and counter tops after you finish fixing the turkey.

COOK foods to safe temperatures.

  • Cook the turkey thoroughly. Use a food thermometer to check for doneness.
  • Cook the whole turkey unstuffed to 165 degrees F. at the thickest part.

CHILL foods promptly.

  • It is best to thaw the turkey in the refrigerator NOT at room temperature. Refrigerate all leftovers immediately after your meal.
  • Split large amounts of leftovers into smaller amounts and cool them in the refrigerator.

For more information on food safety call Carol Chase at the Tompkins County Health Department, Environmental Division, 274-6688.


Content Updated 10/21/2004

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