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Picnic Safety

CoolerMemorial Day weekend is the beginning of the picnic season. The Tompkins County Health Department recommends some basic food safety practices to ensure that your picnics and barbecues are safe and enjoyable.

Make food shopping the last errand. Immediately place foods in your ice chest or insulated cooler with ice packs. Place any raw meats in a separate cooler so that blood juices do not drip on other foods that are ready to eat and will not be cooked (salads, cold meat for sandwiches, puddings, vegetables etc.).

Make all picnic salads with cold ingredients (below 45°F). Keep cold salads cold. Transport salads in insulated coolers with cold packs.

Wash your hands before preparing foods and between preparing different types of foods. Wash utensils and cutting boards before use and between preparing different types of foods. When on a picnic take soap, water and disposable washcloths in case there are no cleaning facilities nearby.

Cook all foods thoroughly.

Bring a Chef’s Thermometer to ensure your meat products are thoroughly cooked. Undercooked meats may cause illness

  • Cook hamburgers to an internal temperature of 158°F.
  • Cook poultry to an internal temperature of 165°F.
  • Cook pork to an internal temperature of 150°F.
  • Cook rare roast beef to 130°F.

Eating the food immediately after cooking is recommended. Discard unrefrigerated leftovers to prevent illness. Foods left at room or summer air temperatures will cause massive bacterial growth and possibly cause you, your family and guests to become ill.

Fire safety is also very important when cooking outdoors. Make sure your grill or fireplace is away from any flammable objects, including your house, camping equipment, trees, picnic table and lighter fluid. Keep children and pets at a safe distance from the cooking area and NEVER use gasoline to start your fire. Keep a fire extinguisher, sand or a bucket of water near the cooking site. Extinguish the fire before leaving the area.

Enjoy safe picnics and barbecues throughout the summer!

Call the Tompkins County Health Department at 274-6688 with your questions.


Page updated: July 17, 2012  |  Webmaster