Task Forces are similar to advisory boards but they are typically formed for a finite period of time to respond to or address a particular problem, concern, or project. Tasks Force members, which are selected from relevant stakeholders and topic area experts, usually meet on a regular schedule to develop a detailed knowledge of the problem and to share their relevant perspectives, ideas, concerns, and interests. At the end of the task force process, the group will usually present findings and/or consensus recommendations in a final presentation or report.
- 可通过长期努力,对项目或问题产生深入的了解和主人翁意识,而这是强度较低的努力所无法实现的。
- Allows for the in-depth and focused involvement and input of a wide range of stakeholders on a specific topic area or issue.
- 允许就影响更广泛社区的复杂问题达成共识(在可实现的情况下)和详细的行动建议。
- Provides opportunities for exploring alternative strategies as well as building coaltions and alliances.
- 对项目问题、时间表和可交付成果进行详细分析,并重点关注成果。
- 让参与者了解其他观点,从而为提出建议达成共识。
- 召集小组会议的方式必须公平、平衡,小组成员应被广泛认为能够代表整个社区。
- 利益范围必须足够广泛,以代表所有受影响的人,成员必须具备相关背景和技能,以协助解决手头的问题。
- 参与者必须愿意共同面对挑战。
- 所有成员都必须同意明确的使命、章程和基本规则。
- 并非总能达成共识。
- 如果问题严重,可能会耗费大量时间和人力。
- Conduct a thorough stakeholder analysis and convene the task force such that all relevant community interests are fairly represented in its membership.
- 选择一位了解良好程序的强有力的主席。
- Get agreement of all members on a clear mission and the requirements of member participation.
- 设定期望值,确保成员不断与其选民沟通,让更多人了解并参与整个过程。
- Seek opportunities for broader public interaction with the task force.
- Record decisions and keep a running summary of deliberations, make sure all decisions are supported by a clear and detailed rationale to share with the broader public.
- Produce a detailed final report of recommendations including a thorough rationale for decisions.
- 主持人
- 行政和后勤支持
- 为编制简报和资料提供技术项目支持
- 定期会议地点
- 简报书籍、演示文稿和资料
- Convening a task force may take several months to identify, invite, and confirm members.
- Care should be taken to have a formational meeting to ensure all members agree to mission and process of the board.
- 运作良好的咨询委员会需要花费大量的时间和精力来筹备每次会议。
- Task Forces generally meet once per month for several hours, but could meet more often depending on the specific project or decision.
- It generally takes several months for most task forces to address issues and develop recommendations; complex and controversial projects can take significantly longer.