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DEM: 31,460  REP: 10,122  BLANK: 12,680 OTH: 3,165 TOTAL: 57,427 (updated 12/29/2023)



2024 年选举

General Election – November 5, 2024, polls open 6 AM to 9 PM

(Early Voting Hours)

Attention Tompkins County Voters!

Many of you have received (or will receive) mailings with applications for Early Mail Ballots. This mailing is not from us, but from a group called the Voter Participation Center/Center for Voter Information. They are a non-partisan group whose intentions seem to be to increase voter turnout.  We want voters to know that they do not need to apply for an early mail ballot unless they wish to. Any voter with an active application for an absentee or early mail ballot will not be able to vote on the machine on Election Day, but will need to vote by affidavit ballot if they have not voted their absentee or early mail ballot already.

2024 Winner Banner


Sign up to be a poll worker! Poll workers are essential to ensure elections are a success. During each election, millions of Americans dedicate themselves to sustaining the backbone of democracy - our election process. The EAC encourages those interested in becoming poll workers at the polls on Election Day to learn more about what is required and how to sign up to work with your local election office, the  Tompkins County Board of Elections (607-274-5522).


选民用   候选人专区

 Early Mail/Absentee Ballot Information    我在哪里投票?



How do I register to Vote, change my Party or change my Address?

Requesting a Ballot By Mail














我们是一个由投票和选举专家组成的跨党派团队,负责维护公民对民主进程的信心并加强选民对选举的参与。在选举委员的指导下,我们的副手、文员、机器技术员和300 多名选举日检查员由汤普金斯县的纳税人资助,在财政上对汤普金斯县立法者负责,并根据纽约州选举法负责以下事项;

  • 选民资格、登记和通知
  • 处理和验证候选人请愿书和文件
  • 协助候选人了解竞选民选公职所需的步骤
  • 候选人和竞选委员会的竞选财务披露
  • 招募、培训和指派选举日检查员进行选举
  • 保养、测试、维修和部署选举日设备;以及
  • 计票、审计和证明投票结果

Tompkins County在纽约州的年度选民投票率中一直名列前茅。我们鼓励每个符合条件的公民行使投票权。