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COVID19 2022-02-25 更新信息:口罩公告继续生效

(Ithaca, N.Y., February 25, 2022) - The Tompkins County Health Department is clarifying local mask advisory details following the CDC’s announcement adjusting their community level metrics related to masking and prevention steps. Tompkins County’s mask advisory will stay in effect as Tompkins County is currently listed as having a “high” community COVID-19 level under the CDC’s new framework.

The CDC announced updated community level metrics related to new COVID-related hospital admissions over the past seven days and the percentage of hospital beds occupied by COVID patients, as well as new COVID cases per 100,000 people over the previous seven days. TCHD continues to report local data, including hospitalizations. Cayuga Health System continues to report capacity at Cayuga Medical Center.

Masks continue to be a highly effective tool in stopping the spread of COVID-19. Under the local mask advisory, TCHD continues to urge mask wearing for all individuals while indoors and around others, as well as other precautions to stop the spread of COVID-19. Masks are recommended to be worn especially if you are around people who are ill, who may not be vaccinated against COVID-19, or with those who are at higher risk of severe illness. TCHD also recommends masks be worn by immunocompromised individuals, those with disabilities, and seniors who are at higher risk of severe illness from the virus. TCHD is also advising local businesses to continue to ask that patrons wear a mask while indoors and around others.

Under the CDC’s new framework, they add that at any level people can choose to wear a mask based on personal preference informed by personal level of risk.


  • Schools and childcare facilities
  • All health care settings regulated by the Department of Health and other related state agencies will continue to require masks. This includes Cayuga Medical Center and Cayuga Medical Associates practices.
  • 疗养院
  • 成人看护设施
  • 惩教设施
  • 拘留中心
  • 无家可归者收容所和家庭暴力庇护所
  • 公共交通和交通枢纽,以及符合联邦法规的火车、飞机和机场。

Tompkins County is making high-quality KN95 masks freely available to the community. Please refer to the TCHD website or call 2-1-1 for information on where these masks are available.

Everyone eligible is encouraged to stay up to date on vaccinations and get tested if sick. For more information on COVID-19 vaccinations, refer to the TCHD website.

The Tompkins County Health Department is your partner for a healthy community. Find us online at www2.TompkinsCountyNY.gov/health, and follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TompkinsPublicHealth and on Twitter at @TompkinsHealth. Sign up to receive COVID-19 updates or other county announcements via email or text.

Media contact: Samantha Hillson, 607-274-6714 or shillson@tompkins-co.org
