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健康警报:猴痘疫苗现已向汤普金斯县高风险居民限量供应;TCHD 宣布于 9 月 7 日及 9 月 8 日开放诊所

(Ithaca, N.Y., September 2, 2022) – The Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) is alerting the community that the JYNNEOS monkeypox vaccine is now available locally, in limited supply, for high-risk Tompkins County residents.

The vaccine will be available at local clinics to be held at Tompkins County Health Department (55 Brown Road, Ithaca) on Wednesday, September 7 and Thursday, September 8. Eligible individuals can register online for an appointment or dial 2-1-1 (1-877-211-8667) for assistance registering.

The vaccine is available for those at high risk of infection who meet the following criteria, as determined by New York State Department of Health:

  • Individuals with recent exposure to a suspected or confirmed monkeypox case within the past 14 days.
  • Those at high risk of a recent exposure to monkeypox, including gay men and members of the bisexual, transgender, and gender non-conforming community and other communities of men who have sex with men and who have engaged in intimate or skin-to-skin contact with others in the past 14 days.
  • Individuals who have had skin-to-skin contact with someone in a social network experiencing monkeypox activity, including men who have sex with men who meet partners through an online website, digital application ("app"), or social event, such as a bar or party.

JYNNEOS is a vaccine licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a two-dose series for the prevention of monkeypox among adults ages 18 years and older. If given before exposure or within 4 days of exposure, this vaccine may reduce the likelihood of infection. Within 14 days of exposure, it may reduce severity of symptoms. The two vaccine doses are given four weeks apart, and New Yorkers are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their second dose.

People who get vaccinated should continue to take steps to protect themselves from infection by avoiding close, skin-to-skin contact, including intimate contact, with someone who has monkeypox.

TCHD has been monitoring monkeypox cases locally; as of September 1, 2022, there have been 3 reported cases in the county.

TCHD continues to ask residents to remain aware of symptoms of monkeypox and take steps to reduce your risk.

Monkeypox is spread through close physical contact between individuals. This includes:

  • Skin-to-skin contact with monkeypox sores or rashes; or skin contact with dressings, fabrics etc. which have come into contact with skin lesions.
  • While monkeypox can be spread to anyone, anywhere, current case trends demonstrate that monkeypox is currently spreading in New York State most rapidly among men who have sex with men, a group that includes people who identify as gay, bisexual, transgender, and nonbinary.
  • Sexual activity with multiple, casual partners significantly increases risk of infection. For more information on sexual health and monkeypox, visit this CDC fact sheet.
  • Being within 3 feet of an infected person (especially if they are coughing) since respiratory droplets and oral fluids from someone with monkeypox are contagious.

Symptoms of monkeypox include:

  • Rashes, bumps, or blisters on or around the genitals or in other areas like your hands, feet, chest, or face which are not clearly due to another known cause.
  • Please note that this current strain of monkeypox has a rash that does not present as it has previously; internet searches for “monkeypox rashes” may look different; any suspicious new rashes, bumps or blisters should be examined by a health care provider.
  • Swollen lymph glands.
  • Suspicion of monkeypox is greater if flu-like symptoms, such as fever, headache, muscle aches, chills, and fatigue are present as well. These symptoms may occur before or after the rash appears, or not at all.

Important facts and steps to take to reduce risk:

  • Avoid close face-to-face and skin-to-skin contact with someone who has a monkeypox-related rash or other symptoms.
  • Ask your sexual partner(s) whether they have a rash or other symptoms consistent with monkeypox and if so, delay sex until they are evaluated by a healthcare provider.
  • If you are exposed or experience symptoms, make sure to reach out to a health care provider and avoid having sexual contact until your health has been evaluated.
  • Reduce or avoid activities that may increase your exposure to monkeypox, especially when traveling to a region, state, or country where monkeypox is present.
  • Know that the disease is contagious from the onset of symptoms or rash until the scabs of the rash have dried up and fallen off and the skin is healing well underneath.
  • It may take 21 days from exposure until one develops signs of the infection.
  • Refer to the CDC's guide to Safer Sex and Social Gatherings.

If you are concerned about your risk or that you may be experiencing symptoms, your health care provider can perform a risk-assessment and identify the appropriate steps to take, including testing. Testing includes swabbing a lesion and submitting to a laboratory for analysis. Healthcare providers, including sexual health clinics and urgent care centers, can perform and order this test. Individuals must isolate while awaiting their test results.

TCHD continues to urge local healthcare providers who suspect monkeypox to call TCHD at 607-274-6604 to speak with a communicable disease nurse for additional guidance.

Treatments are available for those who meet criteria and are infected with monkeypox, including antiviral medication. Anyone who does not currently have a health care provider or who is uninsured and seeking a local provider should dial 2-1-1 (1-877-211-8667).

Tompkins County Public Health Director Frank Kruppa stated, “We’re glad to see vaccine become available locally and encourage anyone who is eligible to register for an appointment. Public health measures, like the vaccine, are working to stop the spread, please continue to stay informed, take precautions to prevent infection, and contact your health care provider right away if you suspect you may have come in contact with someone who has the disease or if you are experiencing symptoms. We are working closely with community partners to ensure precautions are being taken and information, including vaccine access, is being shared to groups who may be at high-risk of infection.”

As of September 1, a total of 3,255 New York state confirmed monkeypox cases have been identified, with 3,001 in New York City and smaller numbers in several New York State counties. A full county listing of monkeypox cases is available on the NYSDOH website and individuals are encouraged to review this site weekly for case number updates. To date, there have been no monkeypox related deaths reported in New York State.

You can Sign-up for Monkeypox Text Message Alerts from New York State:

New York State DOH now has a monkeypox text alert system. Sign up by texting “MONKEYPOX” to 81336 or “MONKEYPOXESP” for texts in Spanish. By providing a zip code, you can also opt-in for location-based messages, which may include information on vaccines and care in your area.

The Tompkins County Health Department is your partner for a healthy community. Find us online at TompkinsCountyNY.gov/health, and follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TompkinsPublicHealth and on Twitter at @TompkinsHealth. Sign up to receive Health Department updates or other county announcements via email or text.

Media Contact: Shannon Alvord, salvord@tompkins-co.org 
