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COVID-19 更新信息:汤普金斯县口罩公告仍然有效

(Ithaca, N.Y., May 31, 2022) – The Tompkins County Health Department’s mask advisory continues to be in effect due to the continued spread of COVID-19 and the number of local hospitalizations from the disease. While the CDC’s community level for Tompkins County was recently lowered to “Medium,” the local mask advisory will remain in effect while TCHD continues monitoring data trends. TCHD encourages mask wearing, staying up to date on vaccination, and getting tested to stop the spread and prevent severe disease.

Tompkins County Public Health Director Frank Kruppa stated, “We want to see if the numbers stay at these lower levels before we adjust our mask advisory and any other public health recommendations. The disease is still spreading in our community, and we need to stay vigilant and do what we can to limit the spread.” Kruppa continued, “We will continue to update the public as more information is available, we hope that the numbers will continue to go down but for now, wearing a mask is advised in our community”

Tompkins County is Under a Mask Advisory, Wearing a High-Quality Mask Can Protect You and Others

  • Under the mask advisory, TCHD encourages mask wearing while indoors and around others.
  • High-quality masks (KN95 or N95) continue to be one of the best ways to protect yourself and others.
  • High-quality KN95 masks are freely available to the community. Please refer to the TCHD website or call 2-1-1 for information on where these masks are available.
  • For more information on how to most effectively wear a KN95 mask, TCHD has published a video with instructions.
  • Any individual may choose to wear a mask in any situation based on personal preference.
  • TCHD continues to recommend that you wear a mask when you are around others:
    • Who are ill
    • Who may not be vaccinated against COVID-19
    • Who are at high risk of severe illness
    • If you are immunocompromised or at high risk of severe illness from the virus
    • On public transit or in a healthcare or congregate setting as defined by New York State where masks are required
  • Updated “Masks Preferred” and “Masks Required” signage for public spaces available for download.

Get Tested if You Experience Symptoms, Self-Test Before Gathering with Others

  • If you are feeling ill or symptomatic for COVID-19, seek a test through Cayuga Health System or your healthcare provider. Tests are free and available for Tompkins County residents at the Cayuga Health System testing site at the Shops at Ithaca Mall (40 Catherwood Rd.). Appointments are required. Go online or call: 607-319-5708.
  • Self-tests are recommended for individuals who do not have symptoms and are seeking quick results to identify infection or increase confidence that you are not positive for COVID-19.
    • 在与非同室共户成员在室内聚会之前,您可以进行自测,作为一项预防措施。在与未接种疫苗的人、老年人、免疫功能低下者或重病风险较高的人聚会之前,这一点尤为重要。
    • Free self-test kits can be ordered for delivery to your home via USPS or can be found locally in various locations.
    • If your self-test result is positive, Complete the Self-Test Reporting Form for Tompkins County residents. The online form will ask for basic contact information and to upload a photo of your test kit result.
    • Therapeutic treatments for COVID-19 are available through pharmacies and healthcare providers in Tompkins County. Those who test positive, especially those that are an older adult or at high risk of illness may be eligible for treatment options that can be prescribed by a doctor. Patients seeking treatment should not contact the pharmacy or location directly, but instead contact their primary care physician to receive a prescription. Anyone who does not currently have a primary care physician or who is uninsured and seeking a local provider should call 2-1-1 (1-877-211-8667).

Stay Up To Date on Vaccinations to Prevent Severe Disease

  • TCHD is encouraging eligible residents to stay up to date on COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Vaccines are safe, effective, and continue to show increased protection from severe illness from COVID-19.
  • Vaccine doses are currently available at local pharmacies and primary care offices. Please contact your pharmacy or doctor to discuss availability or visit the TCHD website for more information.
  • TCHD will be hosting a Moderna Booster Vaccine Clinic (ages 18+) on Sunday, June 19, 2pm-4pm, on the Downtown Ithaca Commons, near the Bernie Milton Pavilion. Register online for an appointment; walk-ins will be welcome. Call 2-1-1 (1-877-211-8667) for assistance if needed.

The Tompkins County Health Department is your partner for a healthy community. Find us online at TompkinsCountyNY.gov/health, and follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TompkinsPublicHealth and on Twitter at @TompkinsHealth. Sign up to receive COVID-19 updates or other county announcements via email or text.

Media contact: Shannon Alvord, salvord@tompkins-co.org
