
尋找狗 2021-12-13

湯普金斯縣衛生部必須在北普萊恩街和北奧爾巴尼街之間的西法院街 12,2021,在北平原街和北奧爾巴尼街之間找到一隻咬人的狗,大約在下午 2:30。


這隻狗被描述為一隻中等大小的白色或淺色短毛狗。 它陪著兩個女人和另一隻被描述為杜伯曼小鳥的狗。 這位女人帶著咬人狗帶走的女人被描述為擁有棕色的頭髮,穿著黑色運動服。 領導多伯曼的女人被描述為有金發,白色夾克和黑色褲子。 在咬傷事件發生後,其中一位女性進入北平原和埃斯蒂街角的伊薩卡芭蕾舞中心,為被咬的人帶出一些餐巾或紙巾。

The Department seeks to verify vaccination status and health of the biting dog through an at home observation over a ten-day period. If the dog can be located and observed to be healthy by the Department, the risk of rabies infection can be ruled out and rabies post-exposure treatment for the person who was bitten will not be necessary.

Anyone with information regarding this dog is urged to call the Tompkins County Environmental Health Division at (607) 274-6688.

The Tompkins County Health Department is your partner for a healthy community. Find us online at TompkinsCountyNY.gov/health, and follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TompkinsPublicHealth and on Twitter at @TompkinsHealth.
