COVID-19 Distribution Locations for Free KN95 Masks

This page is no longer being updated, effective 4/5/2024.


佩戴 KN95 口罩的女性湯普金斯郡已採購成人和兒童尺寸的優質 KN95 口罩,供民眾免費索取。此類口罩可貼合臉部,保護力高於布口罩和外科口罩,因此建議您在室內人潮中佩戴,特別是您或旁人如果尚未接種 COVID-19 疫苗或屬於重症危險族群。

Test Kits

Please Note: New York State no longer has test kits available for distribution, thus ending Whole Health's COVID-19 test kit distribution efforts as of April 4, 2024.

Since January 2022, WH has distributed over 275,000 test kits to our community, free of charge, to assist in reducing the spread of COVID-19. Our local partners have played a significant role in getting these kits out to the community, especially to those at high-risk of severe illness and/or without means of obtaining these items on their own. Whole Health thanks everyone involved for their effort and support. 

Additional information on self-testing is available here.


Distribution Locations

Please contact the outlet directly about their current availability of these products.
Youth masks are only being distributed at libraries.


  • 卡羅琳鎮
  • 丹比鎮
  • 恩菲爾德鎮
  • 蘭辛鎮
  • 格羅登鎮
  • 格羅登村
  • 弗里維爾村
  • 卡尤加高地村


  • 湯普金斯郡公共圖書館,地址:Green & S. Cayuga Streets, Ithaca
  • 德萊登紹斯沃思圖書館
  • 蘭辛公共圖書館
  • 杜魯門斯堡尤利西斯博學圖書館
  • 紐菲爾德公共圖書館
  • 格羅頓公共圖書館


  • Ithaca/Lansing: Tompkins County Whole Health, 55 Brown Road
  • Ithaca downtown: Tompkins County Office for the Aging, 214 W. MLK/State St.
  • Ithaca South End: Southside Community Center, 305 S. Plain St.
  • Ithaca North Side: Finger Lakes Independence Center, 215 5th St.
  • 格羅頓:American Legion post, 307 Main Street