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COVID19 2022-01-05 更新:隔離和檢疫期縮短及更新內容

The Tompkins County Health Department is announcing changes to COVID-19 isolation and quarantine guidance for the general public based on recently updated information from the CDC and NYS Department of Health.


As of January 4, 2022, NYS Department of Health and Tompkins County Health Department have adopted these changes as follows:

For isolation – those who are positive for COVID-19:

  • Isolate at home away from others for 5 days from symptom onset or test date.
  • If asymptomatic at the end of 5 days or symptoms are improving, isolation ends, and you should wear a well-fitting mask around others for an additional 5 days.
  • 免疫力低下的人應繼續接受完整的 10 天隔離。
  • 隔離後 5 天無法戴口罩的人應完成完整的 10 天隔離。
  • Notify close contacts that they may have been exposed, should monitor themselves for symptoms, and follow the quarantine guidance below.

If you are currently in isolation:

  • If you are currently in isolation and being monitored by TCHD, you will be contacted by TCHD either through a phone call or SMS message to assess your symptoms and determine if you meet the criteria for a shortened release from isolation. Please be patient as the Health Department team works through this process.

For quarantine - those exposed to someone positive with COVID-19:

  • If unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, or fully vaccinated but not yet boosted, quarantine at home for 5 days from last exposure and wear a well-fitting mask for 5 additional days.
  • If fully vaccinated and boosted or not yet eligible for a booster, no quarantine is required, but people should still wear a mask around others for 10 days after the last day of exposure.
  • If you have access to testing, test at day 5. Testing continues to be free of charge for Tompkins County residents at the Mall Site and at neighboring NYS Test sites, or you may use a self-test.
  • If you develop symptoms, quarantine and seek testing. If testing is not done, isolate according to the isolation guidance above.

Tompkins County Public Health Director Frank Kruppa stated, “Over the past two years the pandemic has evolved, and our response has frequently adapted to new information, prevention methods, and treatments that we have available. This change in isolation and quarantine guidance is a change in our approach to addressing what we now know about how the disease, especially the newly predominant Omicron variant, is spreading and how it is impacting people. TCHD will continue to adapt as we learn new information and do what is best to keep the public safe and healthy.”

Regarding the change in guidance, Kruppa stated, “Isolation and quarantine are tools to stop transmission of disease to others while you are contagious. These tools have worked well throughout the pandemic to stop COVID-19 from spreading. As more information has become available about the disease, we are learning that 5 days of isolation and quarantine can be effective in limiting the spread. You are most infectious two days prior to symptoms and three days after, so you’ve likely already transmitted COVID-19 before realizing you are infectious or getting sick. Your ability to infect others has been shown to drop off dramatically after the first five days, and the risk of continuing to spread the disease over a full 10 days is lower. With the shortened isolation period, it is imperative that individuals adhere to the additional 5 days of masking to ensure they are protecting others from possible infection within their home, workplace, and public settings. Getting vaccinated and boosted continue to be safe ways to protect yourself from severe illness.”

The changes in isolation and quarantine also impact our process for contact tracing and case investigations. TCHD will continue to assess these interventions in preK-12 settings, congregate living settings, and other settings at high risk for rapid spread of disease. If you test positive you may not receive a call for a case investigation, please continue to follow the isolation guidance above.

Kruppa added, “Our ability to keep severe disease and hospitalizations low relative to most of the rest of our region and State are a testament to our community. Businesses, individuals, and families have stepped up throughout this pandemic and helped to stop the spread, keep people out of the hospital, and save lives. When COVID was first identified we didn’t know how severe it would be, and we didn’t have the same tools and treatments we have today. As we have learned more and gained more tools and treatments, we can now revise public health guidance, while leaving some critical things in place like wearing masks indoors and continuing to encourage vaccination and boosters. Every step we take now is a step to protect our seniors and most vulnerable populations.”

TCHD will hold a COVID-19 Virtual Update on Wednesday, January 5 at 4:30pm on the Tompkins County You Tube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GrjQwOG6Rw. Members of the public will be able to submit questions live through the YouTube chat box. The Town Hall footage will be archived and available for viewing post-event at the same link.

Testing, especially for those who have symptoms, is free for Tompkins County residents at the Cayuga Health Sampling Site at the Ithaca Mall. The Mall site is an important resource for those who are experiencing symptoms and need to confirm COVID-19. Please consider a self-test if you are traveling or attending a gathering or event.

If you receive a positive self-test, please report your result to TCHD using the online reporting form. Once submitted, you will receive an automated email letter as documentation of your isolation period.

TCHD is holding a COVID-19 vaccine booster clinic Saturday, January 8 from 10:00am – 6:00pm.

Transportation is available for vaccination clinics. Present proof of your vaccination appointment to ride any TCAT bus free of charge. Alternative transportation arrangements can be arranged by calling 2-1-1 (1.877.211.8667) during regular business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5pm.

The Tompkins County Health Department is your partner for a healthy community. Find us online at TompkinsCountyNY.gov/health, and follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TompkinsPublicHealth and on Twitter at @TompkinsHealth. Sign up to receive COVID-19 updates or other county announcements via email or text.
