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COVID19 2021-07-28 Health Alert: Recent Increase in COVID-19 Cases, TCHD Encourages Vaccinations

The Tompkins County Health Department is reporting 31 total new positive COVID-19 cases over the past seven days and 27 active cases today. This report follows a recent shift from daily to weekly reporting of data in TCHD’s data table. This uptick in local cases follows statewide and national trends and is predominantly attributed to clusters related to domestic travel and large gatherings.


The positive cases reported over the past week are seen in both the unvaccinated and vaccinated population. The positive cases of fully vaccinated individuals are referred to as “breakthrough cases.” While breakthrough cases do occur, vaccines continue to prove highly effective in preventing severe disease, hospitalization, and death.

TCHD is continuing to urge all members of the community to get vaccinated. Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the best way to stop the spread and prevent symptomatic disease. Vaccines are readily available throughout Tompkins County and the Southern Tier at pharmacies, in pop-up clinics, and through local healthcare providers. To date, 76.4% of Tompkins County residents age 18+ have been fully vaccinated.

Yesterday the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued guidance for individuals who are fully vaccinated to mask while in areas with substantial and high transmission due to the prevalence and spread of the Delta variant. Tompkins County continues to have low transmission, and there is no new local guidance at this time. Unvaccinated individuals should continue to wear a mask in indoor public places. Vaccinated individuals should continue to consult the CDC guidance regarding masking when six feet of distance cannot be maintained.

TCHD continues to complete case investigations and contact tracing for all local positive cases and reports disease and vaccination data weekly on the TCHD website. The TCHD spreadsheet continues to be updated daily, Monday-Friday, and is available to view on the TCHD website.

Local positive cases are currently being sequenced to determine the local prevalence of COVID-19 variants, including the Delta variant, which is known to spread more quickly and currently makes up 80%+ of cases across New York State and the U.S. TCHD expects this data to be available in the coming weeks.

Tompkins County Medical Director Dr. William Klepack stated, “What we’re seeing locally is part of the larger trend across the state and country. While this is an increase in cases, the protection offered by all of our vaccines is excellent and vaccinated individuals are highly protected against symptomatic disease and hospitalization, including from variants.” Dr. Klepack continued, “While our community has reached high levels of vaccination, that is not true for areas that surround us and for other parts of the country. For those who have not received the vaccine yet, please consider the part you can play in reducing the spread of the disease and keeping our community healthy by getting vaccinated.”

Call 2-1-1 (877-211-8667) during regular business hours 8:30am-5:00pm for more information about how to get vaccinated locally and refer to the TCHD vaccination website.

The Tompkins County Health Department is your partner for a healthy community. Find us online at TompkinsCountyNY.gov/health, and follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TompkinsPublicHealth and on Twitter at @TompkinsHealth.
