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COVID19 2021-03-30 Vaccine Update: 2,770 Doses Prioritized for the County Vaccine Registry; NYS Expands Eligibility

Tompkins County received an allocation of 2,770 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for the week of March 29. All 2,770 doses are designated for individuals who meet the eligibility guidelines as they were on March 29, including individuals aged 50 and over. The Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) will use the COVID-19 vaccine registry to communicate appointment links directly with a random selection of eligible individuals.


New York State recently announced that anyone 30 years of age and older is now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, and that starting on April 6, all New Yorkers aged 16+ will be eligible. TCHD has edited the registry to allow anyone over the age of 16 in Tompkins County to sign up. TCHD is urging everyone to sign up for the Tompkins County COVID-19 Vaccine Registry, and will use the registry to communicate with all individuals when appointments become available.

Tompkins County Public Health Director Frank Kruppa stated, “The expanded vaccine eligibility will be a huge opportunity to increase immunity in our community – these are safe and effective vaccines, and we’re encouraging everyone to get vaccinated when they are able.”

Kruppa continued, “We are seeing a rise in cases of COVID-19 related to gatherings. We must continue to avoid gathering with other households, wear masks, keep distance in public, avoid crowds, and observe the guidance even for those who are fully vaccinated.”

Additionally, 100 doses of Johnson and Johnson (J&J) vaccine are available to the homeless population and individuals who are homebound. Individuals who are homebound are encouraged to sign up for the registry and will be vaccinated in their homes. TCHD will communicate directly with individuals who are homebound when appointments are available. Information on the safety and efficacy of the J&J vaccine has recently been published on the TCHD website.

Caregivers, family members, or friends can complete the Vaccine Registry on behalf of someone who does not have access to the Internet. Individuals without computer and/or internet access may also call 2-1-1 (877-211-8667) during regular business hours 8:30am-5:00pm and someone can register them over the phone. If indicated in the registry, individuals who do not have computer access will be called by a staff member from 2-1-1 or the County’s Office for the Aging to register for an appointment. This registry does not guarantee a vaccine appointment.

Tompkins County will continue to update the community via press releases, the TCHD website, and email, and will use the registry to communicate directly with eligible individuals when appointments are available.

Any eligible individual can get vaccinated at State-run sites and can find available appointments via the “Am I Eligible” tool on the State website.

Individuals being vaccinated must produce proof of eligibility.

  • If an individual is eligible due to their employment status, they must prove they are employed in the State of New York.
  • If an individual is eligible due to their age, they must produce proof of age and proof of residence in New York.
  • If an individuals is eligible due to a comorbidity, they must sign the attestation form.

Individuals are considered fully vaccinated:

  • 2 weeks after their second dose (in a 2-dose series for Moderna and Pfizer) OR
  • 2 weeks after a single dose vaccine (J&J)
  • Should continue taking all precautions when in public spaces: wear masks, keep distance, avoid crowds, wash hands.
  • For more information on the guidance for those who are full vaccinated, see the TCHD website.

For local updates and information, check the TCHD website

The Tompkins County Health Department is your partner for a healthy community. Find us online at TompkinsCountyNY.gov/health, and follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TompkinsPublicHealth and on Twitter at @TompkinsHealth.
