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Cập nhật về COVID-19: Biến thể BA.2, số ca nhập viện tiếp tục ở mức thấp

(Tompkins County, N.Y.) -- The Tompkins County Health Department is sharing information on the BA.2 COVID-19 variant, recommended prevention strategies, and an update on severity of disease in Tompkins County.

While new positive COVID-19 cases have increased over the past several weeks in Tompkins County, hospitalizations and severe disease have continued to decrease and there has been no shift in local guidance. TCHD continues to recommend masks be worn if you are around people who are ill, who may not be vaccinated against COVID-19, or with those who are at higher risk of severe illness. TCHD also recommends masks be worn by immunocompromised individuals and seniors who are at higher risk of severe illness from the virus. Any individual may still choose to wear a mask in any situation based on their personal preferences. High-quality masks (KN95 or N95) continue to be one of the best ways to protect yourself and others.

Tompkins County is making high-quality KN95 masks freely available to the community. Please refer to the TCHD website or call 2-1-1 for information on where these masks are available.

Ở tiểu bang New York, những trường hợp sau đây phải đeo khẩu trang:

  • All health care settings regulated by the Department of Health and other related state agencies will continue to require masks. This includes Cayuga Medical Center and Cayuga Medical Associates practices.
  • Nhà dưỡng lão
  • Cơ sở chăm sóc người cao tuổi
  • Cơ sở cải huấn
  • Trung tâm giam giữ
  • Nơi trú ẩn cho người vô gia cư và nơi trú ẩn bạo lực gia đình
  • Các trung tâm vận chuyển và giao thông công cộng, cũng như tàu hỏa, máy bay và sân bay theo quy định của liên bang.

Based on screening information made available to TCHD through Cornell and Cayuga Health System’s COVID-19 testing, the presence of the BA.2 variant is observed, though sequencing on positive cases with those markers has not yet been confirmed.

Tompkins County Public Health Director Frank Kruppa stated, “We can say with a high degree of confidence that BA.2 is circulating in our community. It does not appear this variant is driving severe disease or hospitalizations, though we continue to monitor hospital admissions closely.”

Responding to several questions on the symptoms associated with BA.2, TCHD is clarifying that the majority of cases in Tompkins County still present with the typical COVID-19 symptoms of fever, cough, and respiratory illness. Throughout the pandemic TCHD has seen a small percentage of COVID-positive individuals present with gastrointestinal symptoms, though there is currently no indication that these symptoms are indicative of BA.2 or any other COVID-19 variant. If you experience any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19, including sudden gastrointestinal symptoms, seek a COVID-19 test. Tests are still available for free to Tompkins County residents at the Cayuga Health System testing site at the Shops at Ithaca Mall (40 Catherwood Rd.). Appointments are required. Go online or call: 607-319-5708. Information about using self-tests is available here on the TCHD website.

Everyone eligible is encouraged to stay up to date on vaccinations and get tested if sick. For more information on COVID-19 vaccinations, refer to the TCHD website.

Regarding the currently low level of hospitalizations, Frank Kruppa stated, “With the low, single-digit hospitalizations that we currently have, there is more access to care and services at the hospital, and the risk of having to limit other types of services is reduced.” Kruppa continued, “We recognize that new developments and news surrounding COVID-19 can be concerning for many. We will likely see ebbs and flows of this disease for some time to come, but we know what works to keep ourselves and one another safe. Please continue to be courteous and thoughtful as we continue to navigate this pandemic.”


The Tompkins County Health Department is your partner for a healthy community. Find us online at, and follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter at @TompkinsHealth. Sign up to receive COVID-19 updates or other county announcements via email or text.

Media contact: Samantha Hillson, 607-274-6714 or, or Shannon Alvord,
