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2019 Novel Coronavirus Update 2020-03-08

As of Sunday afternoon, March 8, 2020, Tompkins County has a person under investigation (PUI) for COVID-19. The individual is currently isolated, and samples have been collected and sent to a laboratory for testing. Further updates, if available, will be provided at tomorrow's press conference.


  • What: Press Conference regarding developments of COVID-19 and community preparedness and response
  • When: Monday, March 9, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.
  • Where: Tompkins County Health Department, Rice Conference Room (55 Brown Rd., Ithaca, NY)
  • Who: Jason Molino, Tompkins County Administrator; Frank Kruppa, Tompkins County Public Health Director; Dr. Martin Stallone, CEO Cayuga Health System

The health and well-being of our community is our top priority. Tompkins County Health Department is working closely with community partners to prevent and respond to the evolving novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. As of March 1, 2020, there are confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New York State; the most updated numbers are on the NYS Department of Health website. There are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Tompkins County and the risk to the community remains low.

The best ways to protect yourself and slow the spread of illness are to take everyday actions - stay home if you are sick, cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue or elbow, and wash your hands well and often.

Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) continues to monitor and respond with guidance from NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Public health response is focused on containment of the virus and preparation for community response.

For the past several weeks, TCHD Community Health Nurses have been monitoring individuals who are healthy and asymptomatic in quarantine. As of March 9, 12:00 p.m., 47 people in Tompkins County have been quarantined, 8 were released without symptoms following the 14 day quarantine period, and 39 are still being monitored. To date, none of those in quarantine have developed symptoms.

  • Quarantine means separating a healthy person or group of healthy people who have been exposed to a contagious disease away from others.
  • Quarantine occurs in a specific designated location (i.e. home) for the purpose of observing and monitoring for the development of symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
  • Basic essential daily living items like food, water, and prescribed medications will be supplied to the person throughout the duration of the quarantine order.
  • The person must stay quarantined in the specific designated location until the health department releases the individual. The person cannot leave the location to go to work, school, play, or other public places.
  • Tompkins County Health Department nurses monitor health status for the 14-day period daily by phone asking for temperature once a day and other health questions. If a person in quarantine develops symptoms, the nurse will determine if the person should seek medical attention and will inform the individual of any precautions to protect others.

In response to a communicable disease, sick individuals are isolated from others to prevent spread of disease. The Health Department uses isolation measures routinely for communicable disease that are passed person-to-person (eg. measles, mumps, and Tuberculosis). If an individual develops symptoms while in quarantine, a community health nurse will determine if the person should seek medical attention and will inform everyone involved of any precautions to be taken.

How to Protect Yourself:
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Избегайте прикосновений к глазам, носу и рту.
  • Если вы больны, оставайтесь дома.
  • Кашляя или чихая, прикрывайтесь салфеткой, а затем выбрасывайте её в мусорное ведро. Если под рукой нет салфетки, кашляйте или чихайте в локоть.
  • Очищайте и дезинфицируйте предметы и поверхности, к которым часто прикасаются, с помощью бытового моющего средства или влажной салфетки.
  • Избегайте рукопожатий и объятий, вместо этого используйте касание локтями.
  • Часто мойте руки водой с мылом не менее 20 секунд, особенно после посещения туалета, перед едой и после сморкания, кашля или чихания.
    • Если мыло и вода недоступны, используйте дезинфицирующее средство для рук на спиртовой основе с содержанием спирта не менее 60%. Если руки грязные, всегда мойте их водой с мылом.
    • For information about handwashing, see CDC's Handwashing website

As always, if you develop symptoms of illness including fever, cough, or trouble breathing, contact your healthcare provider. Call ahead to explain your symptoms and any recent travel history.

As this situation evolves, TCHD will continue to send out updates.

Stay informed. Get updated information on COVID-19 at:

The Tompkins County Health Department is your partner for a healthy community. Find us online at TompkinsCountyNY.gov/health, and follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TompkinsPublicHealth and on Twitter at @TompkinsHealth.