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COVID19 2021-05-17 Vaccine Update: Vaccination Clinics for Ages 12 And Older

On May 10, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expanded the emergency use authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to include adolescents 12 through 15 years of age. The Health Department is announcing multiple vaccination clinics for individuals 12 years and older.


Tompkins County Health Department, in partnership with Cayuga Health System and local school districts, is offering the following clinics to this age group. For minors under 18, a parent or guardian is required to identify the minor and provide consent.

Shops at Ithaca Mall - Old Sears (40 Catherwood Rd.)

  • Saturday, May 22 from 9:00am – 4:00pm
  • 12 years and older
  • Appointments available: https://tompkinscountyny.gov/health/covid19popup#mall-may22
  • Pfizer vaccine
  • Call 211 (1-877-211-8667) during business hours, 8:30AM-5:00PM for assistance registering and for transportation options.
  • For minors under 18, a parent or guardian is required to identify the minor and provide consent.

Dryden School District

  • Wednesday, May 19 from 3:30pm – 7:30pm
  • Registration link will be shared by the school district
  • Call 211 (1-877-211-8667) during business hours, 8:30AM-5:00PM for assistance registering and for transportation options.

Newfield School District

  • Thursday, May 20 from 3:30pm – 7:30pm
  • Registration link will be shared by the school district
  • Call 211 (1-877-211-8667) during business hours, 8:30AM-5:00PM for assistance registering and for transportation options.

Tompkins County Public Health Director Frank Kruppa stated, “Over the next few weeks, we are prioritizing the vaccination of young people in our community, ages 12 years and up, who were not previously eligible to receive the vaccine. This expansion will provide another layer of protection for our community and will be critical to the further re-opening of schools. I want to thank Cayuga Health and the school districts for partnering on this effort.”

Kruppa continued, “As a parent myself, I encourage parents and caregivers who are hesitant or have questions about their children being vaccinated to contact their pediatrician and inform themselves about the vaccine. Please tune in to the virtual office hour tomorrow night to hear from two of our local pediatricians, many questions have already been submitted.”

Additional clinics may be scheduled and communicated by local school districts. Local medical and pediatric offices are also able to reserve vaccine. Northeast Pediatrics received Pfizer vaccine and will vaccinate patients over the next few weeks.

Additional information about the Pfizer vaccine can be found on the Health Department website, including the FDA Fact Sheet.

Individuals without computer and/or internet access may also call 2-1-1 (877-211-8667) during regular business hours 8:30am-5:00pm and someone can register them over the phone.

NYS State-run Vaccination Sites are currently offering Pfizer vaccine to this age group. Appointments can be scheduled on the NYS Department of Health website.

Hesitant, unsure, or have questions about the vaccines? TCHD will be hosting two COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A "Office Hours" next week on Tuesday, May 18th. "Office Hours" are a series of virtual Vaccine Q&A live streams produced by TCHD in partnership with local physicians and community members. Each event is designed to offer a safe space and informative experience for attendees seeking more information on COVID-19 vaccines. Each event is moderated by a member of the community or TCHD staff and will focus on the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. Attendees will be able to ask questions live or anonymously. Some sessions will be recorded for later viewing and archived on the County's YouTube Channel.

  • Preguntas y respuestas para hispanohablantes (evento en vivo)
    • Вторник, 18 мая 2021 года, 12:00
    • С доктором Майей Апонте из Ассоциации медицинских работников Каюга
    • Во время каждого мероприятия желающие могут задать вопросы вживую или в анонимной форме. Ведущим каждого мероприятия будет выступать член местного сообщества или сотрудник Департамента здравоохранения округа Томпкинс.
    • Regístrese para el evento aquí.
  • Vaccine Q&A for parents and caregivers (Live)
    • Вторник, 18 мая, 18:30-19:30
    • Приглашенные практикующие врачи: доктор Снедекер, клиника Northeast Pediatrics и доктор Кейси, клиника Buttermilk Falls Pediatrics.
    • Вакцинация детей, а также вопросы, связанные с вакциной и фертильностью, беременностью и грудным вскармливанием
    • Register for the event here.Registration required to ask questions live or anonymously.

For local updates and information, check the TCHD website

The Tompkins County Health Department is your partner for a healthy community. Find us online at TompkinsCountyNY.gov/health, and follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TompkinsPublicHealth and on Twitter at @TompkinsHealth.
