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SAVE THE DATE: Tompkins County Budget Public Hearing November 10th, 7:00pm

Members of the public are encouraged to provide public comment on the tentative 2021 Tompkins County Budget and the 2021-2025 Tompkins County Capital Program. Public comment will be accepted during the November 10, 2020 special meeting of the Tompkins County Legislature at 7:00pm.

The meeting will be streamed live at or can be viewed live at:

All persons interested in attending this meeting to speak during the public hearing or would like to submit written comments, please e-mail the Clerk of the Legislature at least 24-hours in advance at: A zoom link will be provided upon request.

Chair of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee Martha Robertson stated, “In this year of unknowns, our staff really pulled together, legislators worked hard and found common ground, and the result is a solid plan we can be proud of. This budget preserves critical services because we know folks need them now more than ever, while holding the line on the tax levy increase. For property owners whose assessments remained level, taxes are actually going down in 2021.”

Information on the tentative 2021 Budget and 2021-2025 Capital Program can be found here: