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Back to School Immunizations 2021-09-07

September is here and school-age children will begin their academic year this week. This year, more than ever, school immunizations are important. Keeping children up to date with their childhood vaccinations prevents illnesses such as whooping cough, measles, and the other vaccine preventable diseases. For children 12 years and older, they can also receive a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. COVID-19 vaccine is not currently available for those under 12 years of age. 


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) developed a scientifically researched immunization schedule that indicates the spacing between doses of vaccines. New York State (NYS) follows the scientifically established Centers for Disease Control (CDC) immunization schedule which not only specifies which vaccines are important, but also the spacing between doses. A full schedule from the CDC can be found here.

In New York, these are steps to take to be ready for starting school:

  • Proof of immunization must be provided within 14 calendar days after the first day of school instruction in September.
  • The student must have at least 1 dose of all age-appropriate required immunizations.
  • Within 30 days of the first day of attendance, students must have age-appropriate appointments scheduled for the next follow-up doses to complete the immunizations series in accordance with the CDC catch-up schedule.

Frank Kruppa, Public Health Director stated, “Due to the ongoing pandemic and changes to school programs last year, we know that some children may be behind in their vaccination schedule. Our school districts are looking to welcome all students back in person this year and I urge families to make sure their students are up to date. Our young people have had interruptions to their learning as a result of the pandemic, but we do not want students to be unnecessarily excluded from school for not having all approved and trusted immunizations.”

Kruppa continued, “We all want our children to be in school this year and we need to use the tools we have to keep them as safe and healthy as possible.”

Click here for the schedule for immunizations required to attend school in NYS:

If you have any questions about your child’s immunizations, please contact your health care practitioner or the Health Department, 607-274-6604.

For more information about immunizations, visit the county health department’s website: tompkinscountyny.gov/health/dch/immunizations.

The Tompkins County Health Department is your partner for a healthy community. Find us online at TompkinsCountyNY.gov/health, and follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/TompkinsPublicHealth and on Twitter at @TompkinsHealth.
