The Tompkins County Health Department is alerting the community to the continued easing of pandemic-related restrictions in New York State. Tompkins County is adopting New York State guidance. Tompkins County continues to be a leader in New York State for both high vaccination rates and low infection rates. TCHD continues to urge the community to closely follow public health guidance related to the easing of restrictions and for all individuals aged 12+ to get vaccinated.
À partir du 19 mai, l'État de New York et le comté de Tompkins adopteront les recommandations du CDC selon lesquelles les personnes entièrement vaccinées n'ont plus besoin de porter un masque ou de se tenir à distance dans la plupart des contextes. Conformément aux recommandations du CDC, les écoles de la maternelle à la 12, les transports publics, les refuges pour sans-abri, les établissements pénitentiaires, les maisons de retraite et les établissements de santé continueront à suivre les directives sanitaires COVID-19 existantes de l'État, y compris l'éloignement et le port du masque, jusqu'à ce qu'un plus grand nombre de New-Yorkais soient entièrement vaccinés.
Les entreprises privées peuvent toujours exiger des masques pour tous leurs employés, conformément aux recommandations des CDC. Les personnes non vaccinées doivent toujours porter un masque dans tous les contextes lorsqu'elles sont en contact avec d'autres personnes.
As previously announced, on May 19 most business capacity restrictions will be based solely on 6 feet social distancing requirements . For more information, visit the Health Department’s Environmental Health Services page. The Health Department must be notified about any event over the social gathering limit. Notifications can be made online here.
Tompkins County Public Health Director Frank Kruppa stated, “Vaccines are proving to be incredibly effective in protecting people from getting sick, as our vaccinations have increased, our cases have gone down. People in Tompkins County have been receiving vaccinations for six months, and with nearly 65,000 individuals receiving at least one dose, we have ample evidence that these are safe for everyone who is eligible.”
Kruppa added, “This shift in guidance is directly related to the number of people who have been vaccinated and the resulting slowdown of cases. It is important to continue to be cautious, even while masks are no longer required in many settings and to continue to encourage your friends and neighbors to get vaccinated.”
For local updates and information, check the TCHD website.
The Tompkins County Health Department is your partner for a healthy community. Find us online at, and follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter at @TompkinsHealth.