Curb Your Car Coalition

A Community Conversation on Transportation in Tompkins County, NY

Meeting held on January 29, 2004.

Link to other meeting notes.


Attending: Emmy Koponen; Gail, Cornell; Jennifer Dotson; Yael Levitte, CRP; Barry Goldman; Michael Smith, Ithaca College Sustainable initiative for Tompkins County; Fernando D’Aragon, ITCTC;Dwight Mengel, TCAT; David Kay, City Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Council; Margot Brinn, notes

Early odds and ends:
--Fernando handed out “Safety Analysis of Marked Vs Unmarked Crosswalks” and “City of Seattle and Crosswalks.”
--We’ve got a date for Jeff Olsen, former state bike coordinator, to come to town . He has funding for healthy infra-structure project. We’re hoping he’ll do something with T.C. David will contact him about time and place. Fernando, when he gets that info, will reserve a county room, probably the library. He’ll talk on biking, walking, and health issues.
--report on Green party meeting: it was a good meeting, big ideas, info on TCAT was given to its members, good connecting.
--Fernando: there’s money to educate people, motorists and cyclists, on the rules of the road. Police are behind it. From the governor’s traffic safety council commission. Fernando will keep watch for the application.
--Yael got the Faculty Fellows and Service Grant. This is part of a class she teaches called Planning for Sustainable Transportation for both under grad and grad students. She has 18-20 students. They picked projects:
1. Smart Growth Index, with GIS component.
2. feasibility study for car-sharing in Ithaca.
3. origin to destination trips, using various modes of transportation.
4. pedestrian bike map.
The information will be available to the public. We need to figure out how to publicize it. A suggestion for Gail: study incentives: changing people’s wants.

CYC & Ithaca Festival:
--should we sign up for Ithaca Festival parade? Yes! David will sign us up. Idea: alternative transportation dance. Suggestion: concentrate on this activity instead of a spring CYC Day. A ready-made large audience.
--We should look at the City of Toronto Car-Free/Bike week, and their incentives. Question: when is National CYC day? Last week in April (around Earth Day?) Ride your bike to work week is in May? Maybe we can do a smaller CYC Day.
--David’s suggestion: publicize its existence—Ithaca Journal will do it for us, and have people register what they’ve done on the web.
--Last year, we had walkable community workshops and did a lot with the leaders; but maybe it’s better to have fewer events. Maybe we should have a few events in September.
--We should contact schools for CYC Day, ask them if they want to participate. We could buy pedometers for the classroom. [people need 10,000 steps a day to stay healthy.
--contact the organizations putting on things last year [?]
--have a health presentation/ bus washer[?]
--Do bike rodeos.

Last updated Friday, February 3, 2006

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For more information about CYCC or to become involved, contact David Kay