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COVID-19 Response: State of Emergency and Emergency Operations Center

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve and impact our community, multiple agencies and organizations are working together to provide a unified, coordinated response.

On Friday, March 13th, a State of Emergency was declared by County Administrator Jason Molino. An emergency declaration allows local officials to mobilize quickly and activate all necessary resources to respond to this public health emergency. The County has also opened an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to centralize our response.

“I encourage residents to take precautions, especially those who are more at risk, as they continue daily activities. The EOC gives the County a structure to ensure emergency response and support agencies are working in coordination to meet the needs of our community,” states Jason Molino, County Administrator.

¿Qué significa el estado de emergencia en el condado de Tompkins?

  • Permite a los funcionarios obtener y comprar bienes y servicios rápidamente.
  • Se puede proporcionar asistencia a municipios y distritos escolares.
  • Las operaciones del condado continuarán sin cambios a menos que se indique lo contrario.
  • Esta declaración no afecta los viajes en el condado de Tompkins.
  • Esta declaración permite al condado usar fondos con menos restricciones.

¿Qué es un COE (Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia)?

  • Una instalación central donde un equipo de salud pública y funcionarios del condado se reúnen para hacer lo siguiente:

        Monitorear información

        Prepararse para responder

        Intercambiar información y comunicarse fácilmente para coordinar la respuesta

        Tomar decisiones rápidamente

        Asegurar la continuidad de las operaciones

  •  El COE físico incluye:

         Una ubicación central

         Tecnología necesaria para evaluar y responder a una emergencia de salud pública o de otro tipo

Where can the public get information about COVID-19 in Tompkins County?

  • Call 211 for information, including questions about food, transportation, events and gatherings, cancellations, and other human service needs
  • TCHD will continue to send out public updates
  • Check Facebook @TompkinsPublicHealth and Twitter@TompkinsHealth
  • Go to the TCHD website for up-to-date information
  • Get answers to Frequently Asked Questions on the TCHD website

If you develop symptoms of illness including fever, cough, or trouble breathing, call your healthcare provider before you go to the office. In the event of an emergency, call 911.