Environmental Management Council - Resolutions


2019 Resolution
2018 Resolution
EMC RESOLUTION 1-2018 - Support for Statewide Ban on Lightweight Single-use Plastic Retail Bags.
2017 Resolutions
EMC RESOLUTION 3-2017  -  Support for an Amendment to the UNA  Inventory Document Consisting of Boundary Revisions to 31 UNAs

EMC RESOLUTION 2-2017  -  Support for an Amendment to the UNA  Inventory Document Consisting of Boundary Revisions to 31 UNAs

EMC RESOLUTION 1-2017 -  Support for an Amendment to the UNA  Inventory Document Consisting of Boundary Revisions to 31 UNAs
2016 Resolutions
EMC RESOLUTION 2-2016 - Recommending that the Tompkins County Legislature Urge the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to require Cargill Deicing Technology Inc. to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Construction of Mine Shaft #4. 
EMC RESOLUTION 1-2016 - Support for Deployment of Wind Technologies
2015 Resolution
2014 Resolution
2013 Resolution
2012 Resolution
Prior Resolutions
Resolutions prior to 2012 are available through the Planning and Sustainability Department.