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Community Health Priority: Promote Healthy Women, Infants, and Children

أولوية جدول أعمال الوقاية في ولاية نيويورك مجالات التركيز الهدف تمت معالجة السكان المعرضين للخطر

تعزيز صحة النساء والرضع والأطفال

HWIC-2: Perinatal and Infant Health

HWIC-4: Cross Cutting Healthy Women, Infants, & Children
HWIC-2.1: 2.1: Reduce infant mortality & morbidity

HWIC-4.1: Reduce racial, ethnic, economic, and geographic disparities in maternal and child health outcomes, and promote health equity for maternal and child health populations
الفقر (متلقي برنامج Medicaid)؛ العرق؛ الإقامة/ الجغرافيا

Focus Area 2: Perinatal and Infant Health
Focus Area 4: Cross Cutting Healthy Women, Infants, & Children

3-year data 2017–2019


3-year data 2019–2021

3-year data 2017–2019

3-year data 2017–2019


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    Image of the base of the Tableau graphs

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