الإنفلونزا الموسمية (الإنفلونزا)

في هذه الصفحة

INFLUENZA, or the FLU, can cause mild to severe illness, with symptoms commonly including fever or feeling feverish or having chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue (tiredness), and vomiting and diarrhea. Flu viruses are highly contagious, spread from person to person mainly by tiny droplets from coughing, sneezing, or talking.

Immunization and vaccination information.

Vaccination is the best protection against getting the flu — it protects not only you but also limits the spread of flu to your loved ones and others. The flu can make even healthy people very sick and cause serious complications in children younger than 5, pregnant women, people 65 years and older, and people with certain chronic health conditions.

Flu vaccines are now available at many locations throughout our community, including healthcare provider offices, pharmacies, and clinics.

Get your flu shot at a local pharmacy.
(Pharmacies in Tompkins County. Availabiliy subject to change. Links verified 9/12/24.)

Search Vaccines.gov by Zip code to find where to get vaccinated near you.

Immunization clinics at TCWH

We serve community members with no insurance, or with Medicaid or a Medicaid managed care plan. TCWH also schedules mobile flu clinics and in-home visits for homebound residents. Visit our immunizations page for details.

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تعلم حقائق الإنفلونزا الخاصة بك

Dr. Cynthia Leifer, Cornell Professor of Immunology, gives you the facts about the flu.

تريد التغلب على الإنفلونزا؟ إليك ما يمكنك فعله: 

احصل على اللقاح!

Everyone over 6 months old should be immunized. Call your healthcare provider or go to your local pharmacy to schedule your flu shot.  When you get vaccinated, you not only reduce your risk of getting the flu, you reduce the risk to those around you. That's because even if you don't have symptoms or feel sick, you may still be carrying the virus that could infect others.

قم بتغطية عطستك!

Sneeze in your sleeve! Keep your hands clean by directing your cough or sneeze to your sleeve inside your elbow.

اغسل يديك!

اغسل يديك بشكل متكرر بالماء والصابون لمدة 20 ثانية (حوالي الوقت الذي تستغرقه لغناء أغنية "عيد ميلاد سعيد" مرتين.) علم أطفالك أن يفعلوا ذلك وكن قدوة حسنة لهم من خلال القيام بذلك بنفسك.

ابقَ بصحة جيدة!

احصل على قسط كبير من الراحة، وتناول الأطعمة المغذية، وحافظ على نشاطك البدني.

ابقَ في المنزل!

Flu easily spreads easily from person to person. If you’re sick, protect others by staying home and getting well. You’ll appreciate it when others do the same.

Learn about how the flu can hurt your family

Don’t take chances with your family’s health — make sure you all get vaccinated against influenza every year!
Learn about the flu, how it spreads, and complications that can arise if you get the flu.

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موارد إضافية للإنفلونزا الموسمية

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