Environmental Management Council

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About the EMC

Who We Are

The Environmental Management Council (EMC) was established in 1970 by the Tompkins County Legislature to preserve, protect, and enhance the local environment. We are one of several EMCs in New York State.

The members of the EMC are Tompkins County residents with a concern for the environment. While some of our members have formal training in the environmental field, many are self-taught. EMC volunteers are from a variety of occupational and professional backgrounds, including business, education, engineering, science, and homemaking.

You don't have to be an expert on the environment to participate. The only requirement is interest. 

What We Do

The EMC is Tompkins County government's citizen advisory board on local environmental matters. The EMC is the focal point for public participation in local government decisions that affect the County's environment.

The EMC serves as a link between the County government and the public, educating citizens on environmental issues of concern. The Council develops and conducts public information programs in the County that are designed to increase understanding of the nature of environmental problems and issues and their solutions. The Council conducts studies, surveys, and inventories of natural and scenic features that are of local, County, or regional significance.

Additionally, the EMC is connected to municipalities through municipal representatives and to other Tompkins County Advisory Boards such as the Water Resources Council and the Climate and Sustainable Energy Advisory Board.


How You Can Participate

All EMC Meetings are open to the public and we welcome new participants.  The best way to get involved is to attend a meeting.

EMC General Meetings

The EMC meets at 4 p.m. on the second Thursday* of every month but August. All are welcome!

Meeting dates, times, and locations are subject to change. For information on the next meeting, please call the County Planning and Sustainability Department at (607) 274-5560 or drop us a line via the EMC contact form.  




If you are interested in volunteering with the EMC please start by attending regular EMC meetings. We welcome any number of non-voting associate members.

If you would like to take a more active role in the EMC, you can consider becoming a member-at-large or municipal member as these seats become available. We will look to associate members first to fill any vacancies.

Members of the EMC are Tompkins County residents from all walks of life with knowledge of or general interest in local environmental and natural resources planning, issues, and policies.

Membership on the EMC includes:

  • Any number of non-voting associate members.

  • 9 Members-at-Large

  • 2 Student Representatives (over age 16)

  • 10 municipal members, one from each city or town in Tompkins County as a representative from each Conservation Advisory Commission/Board

  • Various representatives from County departments and partner organizations


Agendas and Minutes

Meeting agendas and prior to 2023 are available upon request.

2024 Agendas

2024 Minutes

2023 Agendas

2023 Minutes

Annual Reports

Recent annual reports summarizing the EMC's activities and accomplishments over the year are available online, and older reports can be requested via the Planning and Sustainability Department.


2020 Resolutions

EMC Resolution 02-2020(PDF, 137KB) - Urging the Tompkins County Legislature to Support the NYS State Assembly and Senate Bills to Establish a Process for the Adoption of an Environmental Bill of Rights 

EMC Resolution 01-2020(PDF, 120KB) - Recommending the TC Environmental Management Council Approve the Submission of the Unique Natural Areas Committee's Report on the Evaluation of Options for the Potential Management of Tompkins County-owned Forest Lands to the TC Planning, Energy, and Environmental Quality Committee

2019 Resolutions

EMC Resolution 02-2019(PDF, 191KB) - Recommending an Amendment to the UNA Inventory Document Consisting of Boundary Revisions to 44 UNAs 

EMC Resolution 01-2019(PDF, 74KB) - Urging the Tompkins County Legislature to Support the NYS State Assembly and Senate Bills to Establish a Process for the Adoption of an Environmental Bill of Rights 

2018 Resolutions

EMC Resolution 03-2018(PDF, 94KB) - Recommending an Amendment to the UNA Inventory Document Consisting of Boundary Revisions to 38 UNAs 

EMC Resolution 02-2018(PDF, 108KB) - Recommending that the Tompkins County Legislature Enact a Local Law to Protect and Enhance the Natural Environment by Banning the Distribution of Single-use Carryout Plastic Bags in Retail Stores

EMC Resolution 01-2018(PDF, 85KB) - Support for Statewide Ban on Lightweight Single-use Plastic Retail Bags.

2017 Resolutions

EMC Resolution 03-2017(PDF, 139KB) - Support for an Amendment to the UNA Inventory Document Consisting of Boundary Revisions to 31 UNAs

EMC Resolution 02-2017(PDF, 118KB) - Support for an Amendment to the UNA Inventory Document Consisting of Boundary Revisions to 31 UNAs

EMC Resolution 01-2017(PDF, 118KB) - Support for an Amendment to the UNA Inventory Document Consisting of Boundary Revisions to 31 UNAs

2016 Resolutions

EMC Resolution 02-2016(PDF, 380KB) - Recommending that the Tompkins County Legislature Urge the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to require Cargill Deicing Technology Inc. to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Construction of Mine Shaft #4.

EMC Resolution 01-2016(PDF, 115KB) - Support for Deployment of Wind Technologies

Prior Resolutions

Resolutions prior to 2016 are available through the Planning and Sustainability Department.

Board Support

The materials provided here are intended to help new and existing members of the Environmental Management Council (EMC) understand the organization's history, practices, rules, and plans.

Core Documents

Background Materials 

EMC Projects

Relevant County Links


The EMC meets at 4 p.m. on the second Thursday* of every month but August. All are welcome!

Meeting dates, times, and locations are subject to change. For information on the next meeting, please call the County Planning and Sustainability Department at (607) 274-5560.

Check out the Agendas and Minutes above.