
Tompkins County Workforce and Operational Changes in Response to COVID-19

Tompkins County is temporarily reducing its onsite workforce in compliance with an executive order issued by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. On March 16th, Cuomo ordered all local governments to pare down workforces as the COVID-19 situation evolves.

This allows non-essential personnel to work from home or take leave. These measures will reduce, temporarily, the County’s onsite workforce by 60%. Despite these reductions, the County is committed to maintaining critical services to the community and its residents.

“As we face the challenges of COVID-19, Tompkins County is committed to maintaining essential services for the community while, at the same time, maintaining the health and safety of the workforce.” said County Administrator Jason Molino. "This reduction in the County’s workforce reporting for onsite work is a precautionary measure to slow the spread of COVID-19."

Changes to County related programs and services can be found here, and will be updated as needed.