- The Tompkins County 9-1-1 Center is the designated 9-1-1 public safety answering point (PSAP) in Tompkins County. Our staff includes Emergency Services Dispatchers, Dispatch Supervisors, an Assistant Communications Center Manager (who oversees Quality Assurance and Training), and an Assistant Director - 911.
- 湯普金斯郡 1997 年起採用 911 系統。
- 湯普金斯郡 911 每年接聽超過 30,000 通 911 電話,非緊急案件逾 110,000 件,警方接手大約 65,000 件,消防與緊急救護事件則有 24,000 件。
- 湯普金斯郡 911 為國家失蹤與受虐兒童中心(NCMEC)的 911 合作聯絡中心。
- 2015 年,湯普金斯郡 911 訓練計畫通過「公共安全通訊官員協會」(APCO)認證,成為紐約第一個獲此認證的公共安全應變中心。
Want to become an ESD?
Fill out a Human Resource Job Card here!
When the applications open, you will be notified.
- High School Diploma or GED.
- Ability to pass Civil Service written examination**.
- Abiltiy to pass typing test.
- Ability to pass a medical physical and hearing and drug tests.
- Ability to pass background investigation and psychological exam.
- $61,713-$64,958/year (2024 rates),
$63,564-$66,913/year (2025 rates),
$65,478-$68,931/year (2026 rates),
$67,433-$70,990/year (2027 rates),
lower rate=hire rate, higher rate=work rate (after 9 months).
- Health, Vision, and Dental Insurances available.
- New York State Retirement.
- New York State Deferred Compensation Plan available.
- Excused Paid Leave.
** 湯普金斯郡每 1-2 年舉辦公務員筆試,具體視需求而定。