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Office for the Aging(老年人服務辦公室)的Caregiver’s Resource Center(照護者資源中心)和 Alzheimer’s Support Unit(阿茲海默症支援小組)旨在幫助照護者為老年人和身心障礙人士提供優質護理,同時維護他們自己和家人的生活品質。

Caregiver Instructional Videos 


在確定您的需求、轉介以滿足這些需求以及如何應對照護壓力方面提供個人協助。瞭解更多關於我們的照護者資源中心的資訊 -- 歡迎隨時前來或訪問我們的網頁。 


This group meets every other week on Tuesdays from 1 pm-2 pm.  Participants are welcome to join in person at the Office for the Aging, 214 W. Martin Luther King Jr/State Street, Ithaca, or via zoom.  Call 607-274-5486 with questions or to register.


致電(607)274-5486加入我們的郵寄清單,開始接收免費訂閱《In Support of Caregivers》,這是一份季度通訊刊物,內容包含家庭照護者感興趣的文章和公告。照護者資源中心也為社區成員和專業人士維護一個資源和借閱圖書館。要查看最近幾期的《In Support of Caregivers》,請點擊此處


  • 照護者課程的強大工具
  • 關愛自己
  • 溝通技巧
  • 社區資源
  • 失智
  • 憂鬱症和老化
  • 照顧年邁父母概述
  • 老化的醫療問題
  • 老化的心理層面


透過 Project CARE 為照護者提供喘息和支援
老年人辦公室的 Project CARE 是一項為家庭照護者提供居家支援以及為虛弱、居家老年人提供直接幫助的計劃。Project CARE 的志工以多種方式提供協助,幫助從事以下一項或多項活動:

  • 友善探訪
  • 跑腿
  • 買菜
  • 簡易家務
  • 簡單的庭院工作
  • 照護者喘息機會

Volunteers may stay with a frail senior so that the caregiver can take a walk, do an errand or simply read a book! In addition, small grants may also be available for short-term (temporary) respite--to help fund substitute care so that a stressed family caregiver can get away for a few days. These grants are intended for caregivers who would otherwise find it difficult to afford the respite care--whether at home or a respite stay in a facility.

Caregiver Assessment

Do you provide unpaid care to a family member, friend, or neighbor who has an illness, disability, memory loss, or injury? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are a caregiver! Are you feeling overwhelmed, constantly worried, tired, sad, easily irritated, and/or extremely stressed? You are not alone and there is support available. If you would like to learn more about resources, tools, and supports available for caregivers, please answer the following questions to get connected to the right starting place.

  1. Are you over the age of 18 and caring for an older adult (age 60+)?
  2. Are you over the age of 18 caring for an individual (any age) with Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder (e.g., dementia, traumatic brain injury, mild cognitive impairment, chronic traumatic encephalopathy)?

If you answered yes to either of the questions above, you are eligible for the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP). The goal of the NFCSP is to support family caregivers so they may continue to carry out their caregiving roles and responsibilities. The program can provide services such as caregiver counseling, information and assistance, caregiver training, respite care (a break from caregiving), and much more. If you would like to learn more about how this program can assist you, please contact Amy Jackson, Caregiver Coordinator at 607-274-5486 or

If you answered no to either question above, or you are not interested in learning about the resources available through the NFCSP, there is still help available to you through the Any Care Counts-New York (ACC-NY) Campaign which recognizes and supports the millions of unpaid caregivers across the state. Through ACC-NY you can discover your caregiver intensity score by taking the ARCHANGELS Caregiver Intensity Index (CII). It takes just 2 minutes to complete. You will find out whether you are "in the red", "yellow, or "green", and be connected to trusted resources.

Do you prefer to search resources on your own? Visit the NY Connects Resource Directory. NY Connects links individuals of all ages and their caregivers to long term services and supports and provides one stop access to free, objective, comprehensive information and assistance.

New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) Statewide Partnerships
NYSOFA has engaged in two new partnerships to provide important resources to caregivers.