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Tompkins County Begins Internal Planning for Departmental Reopening – Making Plan Framework Publicly Available

Tompkins County departments are completing Reconstitution of Operation Plans (ROOP), preparing for reopening safely for staff and clients. The County is making the ROOP framework publicly accessible for staff, clients, and other businesses and organizations for their planning purposes.

The ROOP includes directives on the process and considerations for County departments to begin operations safely for staff and the public, including:

  • staffing considerations
  • employee engagement
  • facility considerations
  • office operations
  • field operations.

The framework was developed by the planning team of the Emergency Operations Center in consultation with the Tompkins County Public Health Department.\

“Our departments and staff have been extremely flexible over the past few months as we worked to shift operations under our continuity of operations planning. We followed a similar process in developing this reconstitution plan.” said Jay Franklin, Tompkins County Assessment Director and Planning Chief of the Emergency Operations Center. He continued, “We are happy to share this framework so that businesses and organizations can have a point of reference as they begin to make their own operational plans. We recognize it is designed for our organization’s structure, but believe the concepts are transferable to most situations.”

Frank Kruppa, Tompkins County Public Health Director shared “It’s important that everyone stays vigilant and plans carefully for reopening, following guidelines and requirements from New York State. Public health is our top priority, and this plan was created with that in mind.” Kruppa continued, “Considering density reduction, social distancing, face coverings, and hygiene will be necessary to ensure the safety of our staff and the people we serve. Even as we consider reopening, we can’t become complacent.”

Tompkins County Public Health Director Frank Kruppa, and Tompkins County Administrator Jason Molino and additional members of the Emergency Operations Center will be hosting a live virtual information session at 5pm on Monday May 11th to share considerations for staying vigilant and healthy as we approach the end of Governor Cuomo’s NY Pause campaign. They will also review some details from the County ROOP that businesses and organizations may find useful as they consider their operations moving forward. The live stream will be available here, and the County’s YouTube channel can be found here.
