
Tompkins County Officials Coordinate with Local Higher Education Institutions on Reopening and Reactivation Planning

In recent weeks, local higher education institutions announced plans to welcome students for in-person instruction for the fall semester. Each reopening or reactivation plan has been developed with consistent and ongoing communications that began early in the pandemic among Cornell University, Ithaca College, and Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3).

Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) will continue to work closely with all three institutions and will urge returning students and all Tompkins County residents to stay vigilant to stop the spread of COVID-19. TCHD will continue contact tracing operations, issuing isolation and quarantine orders, and sharing public health messaging consistent with up-to-date federal and state guidance.

“We understand the concerns of many Tompkins County residents and the uncertainties associated with planning for the upcoming semester as we see cases rise locally and across the U.S.” stated Frank Kruppa, Tompkins County Public Health Director. “Careful and thoughtful consideration is being taken by the County and all three institutions to ensure that our community will work together to reduce the spread of the disease. Collective decision-making by all three institutions has been crucial to planning for reopening. As part of the Emergency Operations Center, we have held weekly calls with the higher education institutions to ensure coordination throughout the COVID crisis.”

Each institution’s plan adheres to New York State and TCHD guidance. The plans are responsive to the specific operational and educational needs of each campus. Each institution will continue to adjust their plans as new guidance becomes available from New York State. Furthermore, Cornell, Ithaca College, and TC3 are aligned with TCHD and have incorporated the following in their COVID-19 response plans:


  • 實施監測和診斷測試的協議,以識別和隔離陽性病例,包括與 Cayuga 健康系統合作,並在可能的情況下發展內部能力。
  • 設立持續的系統,定期對學生和員工有關 COVID 症狀進行健康篩查。


  • 與 TCHD 合作,支持所有聯繫人追踪工作和隔離和強制隔離的命令。
  • 如有需要,為學生提供適當的隔離設施。


  • 鼓勵學生和所有湯普金斯縣居民遵循 CDC、紐約州衛生部和 TCHD 關於戴口罩、身體距離、密度和衛生的最新指引。
  • 使用社區協議強調共同責任,以保護社區所有成員的健康和安全。
  • 實施持續教育和與學生、教職員和教職員溝通,以創建校內和校外的新社會規範。
  • 制定責任措施,以阻止不遵守預期的社會規範。


  • 認識到湯普金斯縣和南部地區的高等教育是關鍵雇主和經濟驅動力,並致力於維持社區中的這個角色。
  • 為學生、教職員和教職員提供安全和一致的機會參與當地社區。


  • 修改傳統的學術和校園生活活動,以符合健康和安全指引,考慮精神健康和福祉需求。
  • 加強與校外住房和私人房東的合作
  • 主動收集學生當地地址,以幫助任何需要的聯繫人跟踪。
  • 減少校內空間密度,並限制公眾訪問校園空間。
  • 根據持續評估疫情以及州和區域指標,規劃未來對面營運的潛在改變。

“Our higher education institutions have been important partners throughout the COVID emergency and have carefully followed guidance putting public health at the forefront since the beginning,” stated Jason Molino, Tompkins County Administrator. “We look forward to a safe return of students and will work diligently with the schools so that both campus affiliates and the wider community have the information they need to stay healthy and stop the spread.”

“Cornell, IC, and TC3 are vital to our local community and economy. While each campus is unique and has different considerations, the campus communities interact with each other and in the community, so it is necessary that measures are put in place to keep our community healthy and safe,” stated Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Chairwoman of the Tompkins County Legislature.

For more information about higher education planning:




For ongoing information and updates about COVID-19, see the Health Department website: https://tompkinscountyny.gov/health.



Dominick Recckio

Communications Director

Tompkins County Administration
125 E. Court St

Ithaca, NY 14850

Cell: 315-730-1189