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Community feedback requested on draft Harmful Algal Bloom Strategy

Tompkins County welcomes public review and comment on the draft Tompkins County Harmful Algal Bloom Strategy (HAB Strategy). In 2018, New York State released Harmful Algal Bloom Action Plans for Cayuga Lake and Owasco Lake, which lacked specificity for local agencies to take action. The HAB Strategy looks to identify actions to implement in Tompkins County in the next several years. The Strategy is not an exhaustive list of all actions that could be undertaken but focuses priorities in four areas: agriculture, ditch management, stream buffers and wetlands, and collaboration. 

The draft HAB Strategy will be available for comment and review through Friday, May 28, 2021, and can be found online at  https://www2.tompkinscountyny.gov/planning/water-resources#Plans.

Following the public comment period, the Strategy will be presented to the Tompkins County Water Resources Council and the Tompkins County Legislature for endorsement.

For more information, contact the Tompkins County Department of Planning and Sustainability at 607-274-5560.

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