Environmental Management Council - Past Issues

Past Issues Archive

The EMC has worked on many environmental issues since its inception. Here is a list of some of the projects and issues that we have taken on in the past. Some projects are ongoing.

  • Renewable Energy
  • Open Burning/Backyard Burning
  • Lake Source Cooling
  • Cities for Climate Protection Campaign (2001, ongoing)
  • Oil and Gas Drilling (2002)
  • Residential Electricity Purchasing Options as a Result of Deregulation
  • Tompkins County Public Library Solar Panel Installation (2001)
  • Unique Natural Areas Inventory (1974, 1990, 2000)
  • Invasive Species List (1998)
  • An Evaluation of Risks Associated with Underground Storage Tanks in Tompkins County (1991)
  • Solid Waste Management and Landfill Siting (1974-1990)
  • Pesticide Clean-up Day (1984-1990)
  • Underground Storage Tanks Study (1990)
  • Wetlands Inventory and Protection (1970s & 1980s)
  • Groundwater Study in the Town of Groton (1987)
  • Beverage Container Deposit Legislation (1973-1984)
  • Prevention of City Golf Course Expansion (1984)
  • Radioactive Waste Transport (1980)
  • SEQR Reviews (1975-present)
  • Fall Creek Corridor Management Plan (1974)