Probation - ESSO - Day Reporting

Enhanced Supervision and Sentencing Options

Day Reporting
The Tompkins County Day Reporting Program, located in the Human Services Building, is one component of the Department’s Enhanced Supervision and Sentencing Option (ESSO) continuum. Day Reporting is an innovative option for those involved with the courts that increases community based supervision, provides classes and counseling, enhances family functioning, and reserves jail resources for those most appropriate for incarceration. Participants are encouraged to take personal responsibility for their actions, repair the harm caused to their victims, their families and their communities, and develop skills to enable them to become more productive members of the community.

Participants are mandated by the courts to attend the program which allows them to live in the community while serving their sentence or awaiting trial or sentencing. Participants can attend the Center's Day Reporting Program as a condition of probation or violation of probation, as a Drug Court sanction, as a pre-trial supervised release. In addition the program can be utililized by individuals who are attempting re-entry into the community following a period of incarceration. Participants are referred to Day Reporting as a result of Pretrial release order, Drug Court referral, Presentence order or Parole referral. The length of the program varies as determined by the referral source or court order.

Contact Information:
Phone: 607-274-7504
Fax: 607-272-0783
320 W. Martin Luther King Jr./State Street
Ithaca, NY 14850