
Legislature Opposes NYS Executive State Budget Fund Reductions to Localities

Acting on a resolution brought forth by Legislator Michael Lane, the Legislature by unanimous vote (Legislators McBean-Clairborne and Champion excused) went on record in opposition to the proposed and amended 2020 Executive State budget, impacting Aid and Incentives to Municipalities, and County sales tax revenues. 

The proposed Executive Budget significantly reduces the State revenue sharing program known as Aid and Incentives to Municipalities (AIM), eliminating AIM funding for all towns and villages in Tompkins County—a total local reduction of nearly $400,000.  An amendment to the Executive Budget on February 15 calls for making impacted towns and villages whole from changes to AIM funding by utilizing revenue from county online sales tax, should that online tax be adopted as part of the State budget. 

“Instead of restoring AIM funding and signifying a desire by the State to act as partners with local governments, this budget amendment would require counties to make up for lost AIM funding with sales tax revenue, imposing a new mandate on counties,” the resolution states.  Requiring counties to make up for the State’s cut in AIM funding to villages and towns “sets a horrible precedent,” unnecessarily shifting the State’s burden to local taxpayers.

“We don’t need to fund another state mandate from county coffers,” Mr. Lane said.

The Legislature urges New York State to restore full funding for AIM from traditional State revenues.