
Legislators Act on Three BridgeNY-Funded Projects

The Legislature took several necessary actions to proceed with three bridge replacement projects funded under this year’s New York State BridgeNY program.  Without dissent, the Legislature approved a funding agreements with the NYS Department of Transportation for replacement of the Central Chapel Road Bridge over Boice Creek in the Town of Caroline and replacement of the Etna Lane Bridge over Fall Creek in the Town of Dryden; approving design service contracts with LaBella Associates for the Central Chapel Road Bridge replacement, and with Barton & Loguidice for the Etna Lane Bridge project, authorizing amendment of the five-year Capital Program to incorporate both projects.  The Legislature appropriated total cost of just over $1.2 million for the Central Chapel Road Bridge project (anticipated local cost after reimbursement:  $60,347), and just over $2 million for the Etna Lane Bridge project (anticipated local cost after reimbursement:  $101,847).

The Legislature also approved a funding agreement between the County and the Town of Ulysses and amended the County’s Capital Program, for a third BridgeNY project, replacement of the Cemetery Road Bridge over Trumansburg Creek.  The Town of Ulysses has been awarded the NYSDOT funding for this project (total cost:  $981,850).  Through the approved agreement, Tompkins County agrees to pay the 5% local share:  $49,093, an amount that it is noted represents significant capital savings over the typical 20% local share for a typical bridge replacement project.