Environmental Management Council - Presentations

Presentations to EMC

Guest speakers frequently attend EMC meetings to give presentations about EMC issues related to their field of expertise. Listed below are some of the recent guest speaker presentations, with links to the presentations when available. If you would like more information about a particular subject, please see the minutes from the meeting at which the presentation was made, contact the presenter directly or email us with questions.

2021 Presentations

April 8, 2021

Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization -  Liz Thomas, IO

ဖ့ၤဘြူၤအါရံၤ 11, 2021

Birding in Tompkins County and Cayuga Bird Club Conservation Actions -  Paul Anderson and Jody Enck, Cayuga Bird Club

2020 Presentations

နိၣ်၀့ဘၢၣ် 12, 2020

Community Choice Aggregation -  Terry Carroll, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, and Irene Weiser, TC Climate & Sustainable Energy Advisory Board, Town of Caroline, Fossil Free Tompkins

October 8, 2020

Environmental Justice: A local lens on a global issue - Multiple Presenters, EMC 2020 Fall Community Outreach Event

Video: full presentation


Learn more about the program and presenters

March 12, 2020

Earth Source Heat Update -  Rick Burgess, Cornell University

ဖ့ၤဘြူၤအါရံၤ 13, 2020

Freese Road Bridge Update -  David Weinstein, EMC Associate Member


Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility: Renewable Energy/Carbon Negative Projects -  Jose Lozano, IAWWTF

2019 Presentations

December 12, 2019

Evaluation of Options for the Potential Management of the Tompkins County Forests -- David Weinstein, UNA Committee

October 17, 2019

Development with the Earth in Mind: The Compelling Need for Sustainable Community Development and Environmental Protection -- Multiple Presenters, EMC 2019 Fall Community Outreach Event

Video: full presentation


Video: individual speakers

Ithaca Green New Deal; Nick Goldsmith, City and Town of Ithaca
Housing Demand and Impact of Development Patterns on GHG Emissions; David West, TC Department of Planning and Sustainability
Planning with Transportation Integration; Lauren Gabuzzi, Downtown Ithaca Alliance
Is Green Development Sustainable? Brent Katzmann, Warren Real Estate
Designing for Longevity; Noah Demarest, Stream Collaborative
City as Sponge; George Frantz, Cornell University Department of City and Regional Planning

Video: Q&A discussion


စဲးပထဘၢၣ် 13, 2019

Protecting Tompkins County from Lead Ammunition Contamination -- Gay Nicholson, Citizens for a Healthy Salmon Creek Watershed

July 11, 2019

A Program to Mitigate Antibiotic Resistance -- Ken Jaffe, MD, Center for Agricultural Development and Entrepreneurship, Slope Farms, LLC

June 13, 2019

A Community-owned Internet of Things -- Jon Bosak, Pinax

မ့ၤ 9, 2019

Rescue of the American Chestnut -- William Powell, SUNY-ESF

March 12, 2019

A Green New Deal: A Very Quick Overview -- Guillermo Metz, CCE-TC

ဖ့ၤဘြူၤအါရံၤ 14, 2019

The Ups and Downs of Cayuga Lake –Bill Kappel, USGS Hydrogeologist

2018 Presentations

December 13, 2018

Freese Road Bridge Replacement – David Weinstein, Tompkins Co. EMC associate member

နိၣ်၀့ဘၢၣ် 8, 2018

It's Happening Faster Than We Thought It Would: The Current State of Climate Change  – Peter Bardaglio, Tompkins Co. Climate Protection Initiative


October 18, 2018

Waste Reduction and Recycling in Tompkins County  – Barbara Eckstrom, Tompkins Co. Recycling and Materials Management
Tompkins County Generated Waste Handled by Ontario County in 2017 – Kris Singer and Carla Jordan, Ontario Co. Planning
Finger Lakes ReUse: Community, Economy, Environment – Robin Elliott, Finger Lakes ReUse
Tompkins County Plastic Bag Ban Proposal – Maureen Bolton & Tom Shelley, EMC Waste Reduction Committee

စဲးပထဘၢၣ် 13, 2018

EVTompkins Update: Encouraging Everyone to Drive Electric – Bryan Roy, Energetics

July 12, 2018

NYS Energy Transformation 1990-2050 – Jerry Acton, Physicians, Scientists, and Engineers for Healthy Energy

မ့ၤ 10, 2018

Ithaca ReUse Center: Expansion Project Update – Diane Cohen, Finger Lakes ReUse Inc.

April 12, 2018

Cornell's Energy Transformation: Earth Source Heat from Deep Geothermal – Bert Bland, Joel Malina, and Jeff Tester, Cornell University

March 15, 2018

A UNA Journey to Malloryville Bog – Bob Beck, former long-time EMC member and naturalist
Wetlands and Geospatial Science: Remapping Wetlands in Tompkins County –Nick Hollingshead, Environmental GIS Specialist

2017 Presentations

နိၣ်၀့ဘၢၣ် 9, 2017

CLEAN’S Investigation of Risks Associated with Mining Beneath Cayuga Lake – John Dennis and Cait Darfler, EMC member and associate member, respectively

ဖ့ၤဘြူၤအါရံၤ 9, 2017

Energy Smart Community Initiative – Susan Mann, Avangrid

2016 Presentations

December 8, 2016

Endocrine Disruptors and Persistent Organics in Ithaca, NY - Susan Allen-Gil, Department of Environmental Studies and Science, Ithaca College, and Jose Lozano, Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility

Emerging Water Quality Concerns: Pharmaceuticals & Microplastics - Susan Allen-Gil, Department of Environmental Studies and Science, Ithaca College; Damian E. Helbling, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University; and Jose Lozano, Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility

November 10, 2016 - Communicating Climate Change - Katherine McComas,  Department of Communication, Cornell University

June 9, 2016 - Outdoor Lights, Ecology, Sky Glow, and Energy - Bill Evans, EMC member and ornithologist

March 10, 2016 - Draft Stormwater Management Code Review and Recommendations - Jesse Hill, City of Ithaca, Conservation Advisory Council

January 14, 2016 - Ew Too Can Sustainably Manage Solar Farm Ground Cover - Caleb Scott, Scott Land & Yard Farm, and Sarah Zemanick, Campus Sustainability Office, Cornell University

2015 Presentations

November 12, 2015 - Cayuga Lake Modeling Project Update - Liz Moran, EcoLogic

September 10, 2015 - Cayuga Power Plant: Clearing the Air - Irene Weiser, Council member, Town of Caroline

March 12, 2015 - Honey Bees, Colony Collapse Disorder, and the Importance of Wild Bees in Crop Pollination - Bryan Danforth, Professor, Cornell University Department of Entomology