City of Ithaca Resolution

Adopted by a 10–0 vote of Common Council, October 3, 2007

Support for Tobacco-Free Zones and Other Voluntary Steps to Reduce Smoking

WHEREAS, In New York State there are 25,500 deaths every year from causes attributable to smoking. Nationwide, the toll is 450,000 deaths a year; and

WHEREAS, In New York State, medical costs to care for disease and disability attributable to smoking total $8.17 Billion annually, or $12.62 for every pack sold in the state. Direct Medicaid costs attributable to smoking total $5.47 Billion a year in New York State, or $375 per capita; and

WHEREAS, Tobacco dependence is a chronic condition that often requires repeated intervention. Personal contact, including but not limited to providing social support, is especially effective for individuals attempting tobacco cessation; and

WHEREAS, In Tompkins County 19 percent of adults are cigarette smokers. The average consumption per smoker is about 16 cigarettes a day, for a total of approximately 12,500 packs a day consumed by Tompkins County adults; and

WHEREAS, The June 27, 2006 Report of the Surgeon General cites “massive and conclusive scientific evidence” that “there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke,” and that “exposure of adults to secondhand smoke has immediate adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and causes coronary heart disease and lung cancer”; and

WHEREAS, An estimated 50,000 excess deaths a year result from exposure to secondhand smoke in the United States; and

WHEREAS, A wide majority of Tompkins County adults support restrictions on smoking at outdoor public places in the county; and

WHEREAS, The Tompkins County Health Department in July 2006 introduced the Tobacco Free Zone program in part as a voluntary tool to protect the health and safety of County employees, residents and visitors by improving air quality of building entryways and outdoor areas frequented by the public; and

WHEREAS, Codes and administrative orders that ban smoking in outdoor public spaces have been implemented by jurisdictions in New York State to help protect youth from secondhand smoke and to provide a more healthy model of adult behavior; and

WHEREAS, Smoke free public spaces may be an important part of a comprehensive tobacco use prevention program; and

WHEREAS, Litter resulting from cigarette smoking in open public spaces is unsightly and detracts from the visual landscape for both residents and visitors, presents a potential hazard to young children, pets and wildlife, and is costly to clean up; and

WHEREAS, Teens and adolescents are motivated to smoke by common tobacco industry marketing practices, irrespective of whether or not they intentionally target youth; and

WHEREAS, Youth regularly shop at stores where exposure to tobacco ads and promotions is likely; and

WHEREAS, For the purpose of implementing these initiatives, T-Free Zone signage will be provided through funding as available and approved from a New York State Tobacco Control Program grant to the Tompkins County Department of Health; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that special tobacco promotions be prohibited from taking place on city owned or managed property and be it further

RESOLVED, that the City of Ithaca be prohibited from accepting any and all donations from tobacco manufacturers and be it further

RESOLVED, that this Common Council urges all businesses and workplaces within the City to establish T-Free Zones at entrances, exits and outdoor common areas on their property and be it further

RESOLVED, that this Common Council urges all retail stores licensed to sell tobacco products to take voluntary steps to reduce the size and number of tobacco advertising and promotional displays that are visible from outside the store to the minimum which is reasonable to convey to customers who currently use tobacco the message that the store sells tobacco products and be it further

RESOLVED, that this Common Council urges all retail stores licensed to sell tobacco products to take voluntary steps to reduce the size and number of tobacco advertising and promotional displays that are visible from inside the store to the minimum which is reasonable to convey to customers who currently use tobacco information about brands and products available for sale, and current pricing for those products.

See also: Agenda for Common Council meeting, October 3, 2007 (see page 7)
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